Klank was hammering away on the main deck, securing multiple wooden chairs in an arc in front of what should be a Captain's Cabin. They weren't necessary, but he liked the way it looked and it would be a fine spot for a Captain to create strategies for whatever reason. Between the chairs and the Cabin's door, was a circle wooden frame, and inside was filled with sand. Long stick protruded out at each chair and where the Captain, when Klank found one, would stand. In the midst of nailing down the last chair, he heard Isaac's voice loud and clear like he was standing right next to him with a megaphone up to his ear. It was then that Klank realized what the modifications for the den den were for. His little speech was nothing short of insulting, at least maybe to King Jubil. Klank chuckled at the thought of Isaac refusing to accept the happenings of Jubiltown. "Sure will be interesting having that boy on board," he popped a cigarette and lit as he spoke. He walked to the port side of his ship and looked into town. Suddenly, a beautiful voice echoed all throughout, reaching far beyond the bounds of the main land. Klank took a long drag and listened. What happened next made the shipwright peer into town with confusion. The partying came to an abrupt end. People, just as confused as Klank, began acting erratically. Almost half of the citizens dropped to their knees, some crying while others seemed to give in to some kind of depression. The other half were on the other end of the scale, old ambitions and dreams flooding them all at once. It was quite the spectacle. "Well, I'll be damned," Klank said to no one. "The boy was right." Out of nowhere, Isaac leaped onto the ship while tossing the modified transmitter to him. The boy wasn't wrong about getting a move on. King Jubil was sure to be pissed with what Isaac had done, and he doesn't exactly have a forgettable voice. The King had also known that his dream wrecker was now affiliated with Klank. After all, the King introduced them. Some of his guards were already after Isaac, and it forced the shipwright to act fast. He couldn't have a bunch of angry Jubil Pirates running among his ship damaging it to all hell. He flipped a cigarette into his mouth and went to work. --Klank grabbed his trusty All-Tool, leaped over the edge and onto the deck. I board, very much like the one always strapped to his back, appeared in his hand. He placed it on the ground and seven more boards dropped from thin air and around the first. He began hammering away so fast that one could barely see the nails forming in his hand. One smash per nail secured each plank of wood. He did this until a single wall was made. When he flipped it up, it was over seven foot tall, and he hammered a back support so it wouldn't fall. Once that was out of the way, Klank ran to his right at full speed, following him was a trail of the same wall, support and all. Once he reached a distance he was comfortable with, he made a sharp U-turn and ran back. A double wall would be sufficient enough to protect the ship from anyone trying to board it. Without hesitation, Klank ran to each of the ropes securing his ship to the dock and released them into the water. He was quick to run aboard. He then yelled out to the fishman, who had returned to the ship minutes before Isaac started with his antics.-- "Phin! Can you do anything about getting us outta here faster?" Klank knew full well that fishmen had strength far far greater than a human. But he was surprised when Phin immediately jumped into the water, swam behind the ship, and instead of pushing the ship with his bare hands, whipped out a six-sided boomerang and started spinning it. It took a single moment for the water to start whirling, but not downward. The weapon was forming a twister and forcing water forward, pushing the ship away from the dock. Its speed wasn't great, being so heavy, but it was a start. Phin then used his speed underwater to shoot himself onto the ship, landing heavily onto the deck. Klank was impressed and his excitement showed. That was until loud explosions echoed from the center of Jubitown. "Cannons!" Klank noted. "That's not good." He produced another cigarette. "Anyone got anything for that?" The first few shot were a far miss, but more were on the way, made evident by a series of rapid fire explosions. "ANYONE?" he yelled.