“I’m not in America anymore huh....” Andrew sore walking to lunch after being reprimanded by gang orca thinking about the physical test that’s coming up. “I know I can hold my own but I know there’ll be some kind of team test. I should start making friends but 🙄🙄🙄 I’ll cross that road when I get there.” Andrew goes in line and get a bowl of Spicy Umami Miso Ramen 🍜 (Chicken and miso broth with ground pork, green onions, bean sprouts, bok choy, garlic oil, and egg yolk) with karrage Bao and a melon creamy soda. He took his tray to the window seat in the lunchroom were he could see everyone entering and exiting the room and no one can speak up behind him. “It’s better than the Ramen that old lady Mary makes. Okay now let’s see who’s all in here. Gale and Alexa seating next to each other. Yin seating close by. Herito being a bum and a creep seating close to tokiko who’s seating off towards the door, kazuma just seating there in deep though, and then there’s Selena. 🤔🤔🤔 she looks nice the way the sun light hits her locks and .......... 🤐 let me stop I didn’t come here for all that. Can’t make the same mistake dad did. Can’t get distracted.” Andrew finish his lunch and gets up and proceeds to place his tray down and go outside to the training area. As he was leaving he felt the eyes of someone looking at him in passing. Trying to calm down he ignored the feeling and kept walking. “We’ll finish this soon. I guarantee you that.”