[@AyeYoWorm] Naoto Higashikata was brought into the class room by a teacher who assured him that he shouldn't be nervous. When in fact he was far form nervous, The feeling he had was excitement because he would be meeting new and interesting people. Naoto gave his usual introduction to when he was lead into a new classroom or meeting new people, Talking mostly about himself and what he likes/dislikes or some of his hobbies. Although he thought he was boring his classmates with these mundane details, He himself did not mind giving out such information as he hoped that people could connect with him. After he had introduced himself he took a seat somewhere and was listening to the lesson that was being taught. After that it was time for lunch which was Naoto favorite time of the school periods. He loved to converse and make friends with the other supers here. After lunch he went to the training ground following behind a American, He found this to be quite interesting since he thought most of the students here were Japanese. However it seems this was more international school. "Hello, My name is Naoto what is your name?" He said in a quite cheerful tone of voice, Watching him for a moment and what he would do while he trained. "Hi do you like my suit, It's quite nifty if you don't mind me saying. It helps with my quirk, Do you wanna guess what it is?" He asked being quite chatty this afternoon.