So I have tried to find some other character sheets in order to get an idea of the form used here and subsequently stitched something together. I hope it's halfway up to the quality standards of this RP!

Please note that this is to be considered a draft that is not yet complete as annotated.


[b]Name:[/b] Athanar
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 32
[b]Race:[/b] Demonspawn
At first glance Athanar is not exactly impressive as he occupies no more than very average-ish five feet and 10 inches of height from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. However upon touching him one can notice that his bodily constitution, flappantly speaking, is that of a solid brick: He is extremely muscular all around and it is safe to assume that his bones are at least equally densily packed.

His face still resembles that of a human, but certain features clearly betray his true nature. He has like small fangs growing from his lower jaw and his ears are very much enlarged. With their pointy ends and solid rims they almost seem to be a persiflage of elvish ears.  Also his skin has become darker and with a very leathery touch, its complexion now only encompassing variations of grey. Two different pairs of horns grow out of his forehead, the first one being very massive and reaching up to about seven feet of height measured from the ground. The second one is much smaller and more linear. Hair no longer is to be found anywhere near his forehead, but it grows all the more richely on the back of it. It too has lost its color and now is an impressive mane in white almost reaching down to his knees. Just like with any demonspawn his eyes lack any pupil or iris, but instead have the appearance of curved, black mirrors.

The demonic influence doesn't stop around his hands or feet. All twenty nails have mutated from their ordinary state to small tools of destruction. They are not exactly razor-sharp, but with enough force still are perfectly suitable to dig into flesh and rip through weaker materials alike.

As it is common with demonspawn these features are not static, but are bound to develop as the infernal influence consumes more and more of his soul. It is safe to assume that Athanar is bound to grow noticeably larger, to pick up very considerable amounts of weight and to experience more changes over time and in dependency of the frequency with which he uses his demonic power.
[i]For a demonspawn[/i] Athanar is surprisingly sociable. At least so far he has neither eaten any of his victims for dinner nor did he claim many victims in the first place. His general stance can be described as reactive-aggressive, meaning that he will respond to any offense with violent ferocity but will rather seldomly be the one to initiate this level of aggressive behavior. That is... unless his is convinced that doing so will serve his purpose, his craving.

Aside from this parts of his humanity still remain. He is capable of experiencing compassion, but no longer love. He can value loyalty and distinguish it from betrayal that is to be disdained, also he still knows the meaning of friendship. The issue he most often is confronted with is that this is not reciprocated by other people, resulting in frequent frustration that can stack up to fits of rage.
[u]Demonic power[/u]
People have presumably been looking up into the sky for as long as people have been in existence, but each time they do the pressure on their feet reminds them of the fact that they are all stuck at the very bottom of this seemingly endless ocean of air. From all things worth mentioning the invisible force that never tires and neither alters direction nor strength at any moment probably is the most constant one. Something that makes your sword-hand tired, your ship sink and the weight of your growing gut an actual issue doesn't have many friends, but still difficulties are bound to occur should it ever become less reliable.

Since no scholar so far had a chance of scrutinizing Athanar in-depth there is no description of this inherent ability to be found in any book, but for the outstanding observer it can best be described as some kind of telekinetic influence. However unlike telekinesis this magic doesn't make you feel its force in addition to gravity, but it replaces it to a more or less considerable degree. Secondly it is not necessarily unidirectional and thus only capable of moving objects, but Athanar is capable of creating gradients and even seemingly chaotic fields filling a certain area. The effects, in principle, are exactly the same as with a celestial body coming too close to another one: The object experiences mechanical stress and can even be torn apart as a result of it.

The fact of this skill being a demonic power makes it infinitely energy efficient compared to other magic, but there is one important drawback: It doesn't protect its wielder from Newton's second law. Rendering a person weightless will result in his or her weight acting upon Athanar, trying to push an object away will also try to push Athanar away to the same degree and any distortion will find its inverse twin around Athanar himself. Similarly concentrating a limited amount of force onto an infinitely small space would not only result in a nearly infinite density of force at the destination, but also inside himself. His own ability to sustain these effects is the limit to what he can unleash. Of course this very fact makes it even more tempting to use it often, simply because Athanar can already foresee where his further demonic development might go.
[u]Demonic craving[/u]
According to Himyth's words the world as it is is suffering from a piece blatant assimetry that the inhabitants of Reniam know as [i]The Divide[/i]. Why does such thing exist between Reniam and the Underworld, but not between the mortal plane and Heaven ? Any why can mere mortals pull demons through the devide while demons hardly can move through it themselves ? It could simply be a random occurrence that has come out of the myst of creation just like everything else, but it could also be an artificial thing. As such it could be analyzed, weaknesses identified and the whole thing ultimately be disabled. The Underworld is not a playground for over-enthusiastic or simply foolish human mages to abduct its inhabitants by summoning and dispose of them at their will, but it is time to turn the tables. Also Heaven is an enemy who has been enjoying the advantage of The Divide for far too long.

Himyth's offsprings have the unique advantage of roaming around freely in the mortal plane. They can probe the Devide from the other side, something that demons normally can't. The task of investigating the Divide in order to find a way to damage it is excessively abstract and has unknown chances of success, but still Athanar will happily kill for any knowledge and greedily steal whatever item promises to be helpful. It is not unlikely that other demonspawn share this craving.
to be done
[list][*]Armor made out of steel chainmail with leather and woolen padding underneath that covers his body from shoulders down to his lower limbs. It is not of very high quality since it is actually stitched together from several pieces. It isn't like he, as a demonspawn, could easily buy new stuff. Also he has noticed that he keeps getting bigger slowly but surely and whatever he wears has to be replaced sooner or later anyway.[*]An iron flail[*]A riding horse capable of carrying him around, at least so far.[*]Dried food and water for a few days to come.[/list][/hider]