Looking forward to this [@Ashgan]. Also, if anyone else stumbles across this and thinks it is interesting, feel free to express your interest! :)

[h2]Other Notes[/h2]

[b]FTL[/b]: Fastest FTL drives so far are Origin Navy's battleship drives, developed within the last year or so, which can traverse 100 ly in approximately 30 days. Assumption is that they are 2x as fast as commercial grade FTL available on most other ships in the setting.

[b]Communication[/b]: there is a galactic internet that works on the basis of quantum entanglement between satellite pairs. Due to limitations with quantum entanglement, only 1-1 pairing is feasible. As a result, an infrastructure of planet-to-planet pairs has been introduced, with planets that contain multiple pairs (like Earth contains Earth-Mars, Earth-Titan, Earth-Centauri [i]b[/i]) letting the satellites in orbit around the same planet communicate via line-of-sight lasers. Thus latency (via laser comm) is introduced and varies based on the number of hops. So, on Derelict, due to the number of pair-hops, it could take up to a day to send/receive information from Earth.