Elizabeth looked over at Leo and Ashlyn with a deep sadness in her eyes. [color=92278f][i]"The way I remember him was with blonde hair, but a little bit darker than mine, golden eyes, and basically looks similar to me."[/i][/color] She said playing with her braid. Looking down at her boots she thought that if what Ashlyn said was true, then he would be lost. She wasn't even sure what she would even be able to do to help him anyways. She knew that anyone that died from the house stayed in the house. [color=00aeef]Ashlyn Looked over at Leo and frowned. [color=0054a6][i]"Hes a night walker"[/i][/color] She whispered so only Leo could hear. If he had infact seen him, he would have had to survive a night amungst the bad that resided here. [/color]