“I want to ride it,” Sasayaki whispered, the two finding their way to their feet and to the side of the ship as the ordeal began. “I want to make it a collar, give it a cute name, take it for a walk, and do the whole thing again tomorrow.” Isaac gave a confused look back before he realized what was happening. “You’re not a siren anymore,” he teethed, trying not to draw the attention of the other crewmates as Klank started his relentless assault. It was useless of course, Isaac had happened upon many sea kings in his time adrift, and he could sense this creature was on another level. “You can’t go seducing every mythical creature you lay your eyes on.” He looked over to Klank as the spears bounced off and gave a thumbs up. “Good effort!” he shouted, but the man was clearly too distracted by the challenge ahead. Sasayaki jerked in front of Issac, peaking back at what now appeared to be a dragon, her lantern glowing as she looked back to him. “Don’t body shame me! How is it okay when you flirt with your little mink girls, but suddenly not okay when I want a piece of those scales. Double standards.” “Fine,” he conceded, pushing her back, but play it cool for now, okay.” Just then, a strange man walked on board, introducing himself as Bighead, a name he was all to familiar with, being a bounty hunter. Over his years as a pirate, he had amassed a 500 million berry bounty, an impressive number for a solo act. He was a loner, or so they said, but he could at least confirm the pirate never held a crew, being [i]“too grand”[/i] to work with others. Well, that is what the papers said, at least, but in Isaac’s experience, the news was nothing but bullshit the marines put out change the story. Isaac moved to the group, seeing his opportunity to act, “Good thing you arrived, he said to the stranger, shaking his hand. The man’s grip intensified as Isaac's did, the locking grips for the slowest handshake in his life, less like an actual handshake, and more like a struggle of wills that ended as the man’s hand started to ever so slightly swell larger. “You see, this crazy glowing gerbil started pressing these buttons, and I was like, noo, Klank said not to touch those, but by the time I got there, it was already too late.” He looked back to Klank to see if he was buying it, slowly dragging on his cigarette while Sasayaki was preoccupied with the dragon. “Well now,” Bighead laughed, patting Isaac on the shoulder, Sasayaki taking a quick peak back before returning to her lusting, “that sounds like quite the tale! I must admit, I’ve never seen a vessel hop so gallantly before in my life, and that’s saying something. You must be quite the adventure, I’ve got a ninth sense for these kinds of thing, you know.” Bighead looked back at Sasayaki, then to Sierra and peanut, the to Klank and the Phin. “In fact, you’re all of a different breed. Little trouble makers, right? In need of some parental guidance, yes? Perfect!” he exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips and growing larger. “I’ve been waiting for people like you all my life, and now that I’ve found you, you shall not escape my manly grasp! From here on out, this is my ship, and I am your captain! Good? Okay!” Sasayaki suddenly decided to take notice, looking to the others and back to the stranger, twice as large as he was before, the floorboards bending under his weight. “Uhhhh, what?”