Wip, Bio/Personality needs work but yeah... word and google docs aren't working right now...

 [hider=Click Me!]Name: Joshua Anthony Russo.
Age: 22
Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/the-gaia-region/images/1/11/Brooding.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171108045820[/img]
Weight: 190lb
Mixed martial arts
helping people in his neighborhood
Working out

His Ex-girlfriend
Annoying people
stupid questions
Class work
Rich people.
people who make assumptions about people
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Special Talent: Martial arts, cooking,
Profession: Custodian at the university/student
 Born to a Japanese Russian family, Josh never had the pleasure of meeting his biological parents. At the age of four he was taken by child protective services. For the next several years Josh moved from group home to group home, always being sent along after a while. Around the age of 10 Josh found himself dumped with Jessica Russo, a Army Veteran and new Foster parent. The first few years were tough with both had their issues. Joshua was a little hell raiser, more then a dozen times his mother had to come pick him up from school because he got suspended. Jessica, being the woman she was, refused to "lose" as she put it and stuck with Josh. While the two seemed at odds, Joshua loved his mother and did everything he could to support his mother when she was feeling "Down" without her noticing. 
In his first year of high school Joshua met his two younger siblings. Like himself, these two were considered troubled youths. Almost immediately the three got along to a degree. The majority of his life has been going through the motions, Go to school,go to work,come home,do homework,sleep. For the last two years Josh was working to save up for university and applied for scholarships to attend to university.

Joshua is a very hard working man, often times he has the tendency to over work himself. He has a great love for his family,although he is consistently annoyed with them. When not working or studying he will spend time with his family, especially on family night.
Your character's favorite song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2uU6OJV65w
Actor or Actress/Public Figure who would play your Character in a movie: karl urban

The Russo Family
Name:Jessica Russo
Foster mother for three.
works as teacher at the university and as a security guard on weekends.
Adopted mother
Army Veteran
Well versed in self defense
Some possible psychological issues

[hider=Sister 1][img]https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/927042.jpg[/img]
Kristen Russo
Pain in the ass
Party girl
1st year scholarship student.
Adopted sister
Causes problems for her brother.
Works at restaurant part time.
Loves her family
Helps take care of her mother.

[hider=Pintsize private eye.][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6716/38f84f0679bcde2545b5daeb063f456620707cc2_hq.jpg[/img]
Jasmine "Jazz" Russo
third year high school student
Works at a nonprofit thrift store for animals
self proclaimed amateur "Detective".
Scared of chipmunks[/hider]

The following personal bio is not required (though CS Section 2 IS required), but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: 26
*What part of the world are you from?: West coast USA
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: maybe three?
*How often do you have time to post?: Maybe one or two a day.
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.: I have a daughter an I work alot so I can't promise alot of posts a week, but I will do my best. 

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."

CS section 2 - Player Interaction Scale

I'm a small group person, makes it easier to follow 

2-3 depending my day. [/hider]