[hider= Light]
[b]Name: Light[/b]
[b]Age: 25[/b]
[b]Gender: Female[/b]
[b]Race: Demon[/b]


[b]Personality:[/b] Light is intelligent, observant, very carefree and fairly neutral all things considered. She'll be more interested in having fun than any sense of honor and will side with her friends or whoever gives her more fun. She is easily persuaded to do tasks for those who have a strong silver tongue, although she herself has quite the potent silver tongue as well. Light comes off as happy, a bit goofy, and could easily be mistaken as an airhead for those who don't know her. But under her happy exterior she is intelligent and sharply observant, which can be a surprise for both her friends and enemies alike when she goes from being bubbly to being very insightful. Due to her regeneration, she can be somewhat careless which she is aware of, but still falls prey to. 
This also tends to bleed into her fighting style, where she'll attempt many grapples or basic heavy hits as if she's playing. However where she hits or how she grapples an enemy tends to exploit their weaknesses. While she will use her regeneration to her own benefit, she might get hit by more attacks than the average fighter, especially if shes trying to defend her friends.

[b]History:[/b] Light is a Void Demon, a demon that even demons aren't too happy to deal with due to their essence and sanity stealing abilities and general sturdiness. Light found a way to escape the demon realm using a combination of her void abilities, and a weak space in the fabric of reality. Thankfully unlike most demons, she had a much more positive disposition and was more interested in friends, food, and experiences than anything nefarious. She found herself on Earth, which had its own demon troubles from time to time as it appeared to be a planet very close to the demon realm itself. Due to her looks, she was able to pass herself off as a beastman and only those versed in the magical or spiritual arts could tell what she really was. This came in handy as she was able to enter the world martial arts tournament with little issue. While not too interested in the tournament itself, the prize money would lead to lots of fun and food for sure. 

[b]Techniques[/b] - 

Void Touch = Light steals the essence and sanity from whatever she touches. Essence is used to either fuel her other abilities, or let them recharge faster. Enemies who lose essence lose stamina and if they lose enough essence, they are unable to be healed by or gain energy from external sources. If an enemy loses all their essence, they die. Stolen Sanity heals Light and she can live off only this substance. Enemies who lose sanity start to hear distant whispers which get louder as they lose sanity. This eventually leads to becoming distracted or losing willpower. After enough sanity is lost, an enemy can go insane and break down into any number of mental states based on their personality, some of which could make them stronger or more difficult to deal with. Sanity is regained at half the rate that it is lost for enemies.

Void Essence = Being made of Void, Light gains various benefits and penalties. 
+ Her energy is difficult to track, as its 'hollow' and can be drowned out by being near others with strong energy.
+ Her energy and body is insanely harmful and toxic to absorb or steal, leading to rapid loss of sanity and essence to whatever absorbs her energy or body parts. Anything trying to steal her energy that does so while in direct contact with Light will instead heal Light for the amount of energy she would've lost, as well as whatever healing she'd get from the sanity she'd be stealing. 
+ Shes highly resistant to reality or form changing magic.
+ Shes immune to soul type attacks and effects.
= Limbs or other body parts severed from her body eventually disappear into void dust if not reattached.
= Light doesn't bleed normal blood, instead she bleeds Void. This looks like wisps of dark energy leaking from any wounds.
- Unable to fire Ki blasts.
- Attacks from Iron or Silver weapons gain greatly enhanced damage against Light.
- Fusions that involve Light have their time limits greatly reduced.

Regeneration = Light can regenerate her body from nearly any injury. Healing uses up her stamina, or stolen sanity. Healing will use the nourishment she gains from stealing sanity before dipping into her stamina. Light heals passively, but can concentrate to heal faster at a more efficient rate. Light can reattach severed limbs with little issue. Mental and magical effects take longer to regenerate from and can only be healed passively.

Void Slip = Light envelops herself in ki and rushes through an energy beam. She is immune to the damage the beam would do while in this technique. When she reaches her destination, the enemy, she delivers a strong hammer fist on their unsuspecting head. Needs time to recharge between uses, which is reduced by essence collected.
