“So, this is the place,” Bighead remarked, the feeling so familiar. Since leaving the room, the man found himself in a lavish villa, filled with what could only be described as fantasy location with the most unrealistically attractive creatures in the world. A woman stood before him, flowing blonde hair that reached her knees, curves that bent the imagination, lips swollen with anticipation, and piercing blue eyes that nervously looked to the ground before finding his again. “I,” she started, her hand gripping the other, pressed against a golden dress that shimmed in the lights, slightly damp from stray splashed from reckless bachelors cannoning the pool. “I feel like our connection is so strong, which is crazy, because even though we just met, I feel like I’ve you all my life.” Her face glew as she reached for a rose from the table beside them, likely more expensive than anything the pirate ever owned. “That is why I have decided to give you this first impression rose.” She handed the rose to Bighead, looking over it curiously, before tossing it up in the air before walking off, “Nope.” “Wait,” she begged, rushing to the rose, and turning him back around. “This means I have chosen you, to move on, and get a chance to be with me. It means you’re safe. “Ohhhhh, I see,” he said, taking the rose again, looking her in the eyes, her beautiful eyes, then crushing the flower in his hands and tossing it to the side. “I am not a man who can be won so easily, he declared while walking to the crowd and looking up at the den den. ---------------------------------- The wheel started spinning in the sky, the crowd on edge for the divine judgement, all while Bighead smiled. Just as the wheel started to slow, he grew to the size of three house stacked, his arm raised prominently in the air. “Wait,” he demanded, the smile growing faster than his enormous grin, “I have a proposition for you, GM.” The wheel glitched, needle skipping until it vanished, signifying the GM’s wavering resolve, his silhouette appearing again on the monitor, glasses glowing with interest. “I respect you, Bighead, that is why I have not killed you on the spot, but I did not think you a coward. You harbor my enemy, wander into to island as I host my games, refuse to play, and now you stop my wheel!?” The crowd clung to his every word, understanding just how GM had become over the years. There was a reason he was an emperor, his judgement absolute, but that did not mean he was without weaknesses. “What could you possibly have to offer me, old friend?” The man continued to grow, the other contestants cowering behind their doors as the villa barely fit his feet, his head now reaching the screen, looking GM’s face dead on, arms surrendered in the air. “The best damn pirate games since Jimmy Blue Jeans entered this island, RIP,” he called out, with two taps to this chest, and his finger held prominently to the sky.” The image looked down, the crowds looking up in awe at the display. “That’s a tall promise,” he smirked, the lure set. “What are you offering?” “Why, me of course!” The crowd gasped, understanding what it entailed. The rule-rule fruit was powerful, but the one thing it could not alter was free will, that was for man alone to change. “I wager that my crew will not only survive this game, they will win it, and when they do, we will take no prize, only our fame, and sail away with a smile.” The figure remained uncharacteristically quiet, as did the crowd until coming back. “Such confidence, to trust your remaining years in such.. questionable hands. You must know these men well.” Bighead let out a laugh so boisterous, it rumbled the stands. “No, not really. In fact, I just met them a few days ago, but I just got this feeling.” GM’s laugh bordered on the maniacal, carrying on longer than was socially acceptable for anyone else. “Fine! You think they can beat me and my rules!? I’ll grant your request, and when I win, and I will win, Jesse, you will host these games until your last days.” He raised his hammer. “Ohhh, one more thing,” Bighead interrupted. “I trust these games will all be fair for my crew. I’d hate for your reputation to be ruined over greed,” he grinned, casually looking to the crowd, and then to the cameras. GM paused, frustrated with the idea of limiting himself, but when push came to shove, his image was the only thing that ever mattered to him, it was, afterall, the whole reason he invented these little shows instead of pursuing greater treasures on the seas. “They will be winnable, but they don’t have to be easy,” he declared with a tap of the sign, the crowd roaring Bighead’s name as he vanished to GM’s room, chained to a chair in vision to the camera, still grinning.