Filii flicks his tongue searching for the scent of the being that has acknowledged him. A hideous smile stretches across his mangled face...exposing his serpent like fangs dripping with drool and pungent poison. The power emitting off of Darksoul continues to excite Filii... absorbing every drip and drop he can into his own aurora. "Just a mere observer, my dear friend. Some speak of your work in the underworld... and I wanted to see and feel the power for myself with my own eyes... and I must say I am quite impressed from what I have experienced so far." Filii's gaze flicks to the Elf boy "My presence isn't to envoke violence..." He pauses. [i]A drop of poison from his gaping jaws falls to the floor and dissipates with a fizzle and puff of smoke[/i] "Although the elf's delicious soul does seem to be beckoning to me..."