
[colour=limegreen][i]"10000 IQ play there Sable, Solace will be giving you a medal or something for sure, saved us all, even if that stupid Tail Head denied me getting to see their ashes with my own eyes."[/i][/colour] If only Sable could show emotions because if he could he'd be grinning from ear to ear at the thought of his own genius. Though perhaps his celebratory self-congratulations were poorly timed as, as the dust began to clear the cameras motion sensor picked something up. No multiple things, Sable's proverbial jaw dropped to the floor, those fuckers were still alive, being cooked by the heat of the engines but alive none the less. [colour=limegreen]"OH COME ON!"[/colour] His cry rang out across the now silent hangar. The thought of giving them another few blasts did cross his mind but letting them cook alive was far more fitting punishment for not being turned to dust by the Turbolasers. Though Solace's next action soon turned his mind to other thoughts, the boy and his dog, the two who had begun this whole madness were stood at the now-closed bay door, well they were before Solace put a few blaster bolts in them a move even Sable thought was a little [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9s9sPXXkqw]Cold and unnecessary.[/url] Well, unnecessary for now at least.

Yet despite this cold execution, Sable couldn't keep his thoughts off of what the Twi'Lek had done. Was it her that closed the bay door? Because if he certainly didn't then who? But his worst fears were confirmed as he watched her leave the cargo bay towards the turbo lifts. Opening doors in front of her as she went if she had gotten into the ship's system that quickly then things were worse than he feared and if she could get into the systems then there's no telling what she might do. If Sable couldn't get back control then she might try and kick him out but given how linked into the ship's systems he was, his anti-hack failsafe might kick in. And Sable didn't need to explain to Solace or the other crew why that would be a very bad thing indeed.

Perhaps it would be best to work the situation out with the Twi'Lek first, if she could get in then perhaps she could help in securing the breach. Diplomacy wasn't the Droids style at all, but just killing her would only put some tape over the crack not help fill it in. Sable began to chase after the girl his metallic feet banging on the floor as he went ending up in the lift next to her. the doors opened not long after showing that he had made it in time to meet her. Following her down the hallway and into the conference room behind her, unfortunately for the droid, she didn't take her eyes off of the entrance to the room, acing against his better judgment he decided to take action by pulling out the young girls blaster which he had holstered and pointed it at the girl. [colour=limegreen]"Brin, was it? before anything else happens you and I need to have a talk about you being in the ship's systems. You've managed to get yourself into this ship's system, not a difficult feat I'll be honest but it's what you're planning to do next that has me concerned. If you're going to try and take full control of the ship then you and I are going to have a falling out, I'm quite ingrained in this ship's internal systems and have access to most of its functions. That means if you try to kick me out it could have quite... explosive consequences, literally. As in I will explode and take most of the ship with me. I won't go into details as to why but if you wanna call my bluff then go ahead.[/colour] The droid paused momentarily and changed his tone to a calmer one. [colour=limegreen]"But if you're planning on working [i]with[/i] us then you have nothing to worry about and you can have this back."[/colour] He then flipped the laster over to hold it by the barrel, holding the grip out towards the Twi'lek and awaited her response.


The door to the bay closed and silence befell Jarak's mind once again, a chance to take stock of just what he'd gotten himself into. Sinking back down next to the crate he was covering behind he looked around the bay at the array of bodies who had ended up in there. First, there was Solace, his main target, a woman that was both enchanting and utterly terrifying with her mere presence. He knew what she was but not [i]who[/i] she was, but after watching her put down the boy and his dog, in the same manner, he'd seen Storm Troopers execute 'Rebels' Jarak knew exactly the kind of woman he was dealing with. One of sultry demeanor until sudden frenzied stabbing motions.

There were, of course, some unaccounted-for entities. The red Twi'Lek who had seemingly taken control of the ship's systems as she could open doors at will as she left, the Pantoran who had come quite literally flying into the bay before running off further into the ship looking quite wounded. Oh, why did he say yes to this mission, he had a choice he could be off somewhere else in the outer rim on one final tour of counter-terrorism. But in his infinite wisdom, he thought that this mission looked like a more interesting way to end his career. And end it certainly would, but would it end with his retirement or funeral? Only time would tell.

Jarak hadn't forgotten Solace's initial instructions, however, and began making his way into the ship, following behind the Twi'Lek girl and up the Turbo Lift to the deck where the meeting hall was. Jarak had to admit, the ship was quite well maintained, not as clean and shiny as the Atlas but then again his ship was maintained to the highest of Imperial standards. Jarak opened the door to the room to quite the sight. The droid who wasn't listed on the crew roster for obvious reasons was pointing a gun at the Twi'Lek girl and talking about Techy stuff that he was far too old to care about. Jarak looked at the pair and raised his hands in a 'not getting involved' manner and moved to an empty chair along the side of the table.