Fish, was a lovely treat, for the Artias. Until it stopped becoming such a lovely treat. Not all things in the tribe were quite so simple, it seemed. The tiresome monotony of spending over a month eating only fish and berries had turned many towards more... Respectful findings. As the days grew longer the grunts became more... Refined. Speech patterns. Basic grunts that were terms for things even the dumbest of them could understand. And with this, came knowledge. Grunts were shared around the campfire at night, thinking of ways- Possible ideas and places they could go to- Where they could find more delicious meals. Some suggested the idea of hunting animals using their sharp sticks. Others, believed it'd be better to start trying to make something out of the world around them- They saw and knew that things grew over time, perhaps with knowledge they could make things come out of the ground too! And others? Others believed foraging on a wider scale was the answer. All good suggestions, really, that lead up to one, undying problem- Disagreement. So, in a simple matter- The group decided it would be best to have a temporary 'split', where four members would each go in one separate direction, to better adapt and understand the land, instead of all exist in one area and argue among each other. Adapt. Survive. Thrive. They all agreed to meet back in one month around the stones they had erected, to discuss what they had learned. The tribe of Artias, separated. Each went out in a different direction, promising to return to the stone structure they had lifted at the end of the month to share whatever knowledge they could find. This way, they would still be a community as one- But not get into each others hair and be at each others throats, as well as learn more about the different ways to 'adapt' to the world around them. So the days passed by, and they went in three directions. For the viewers pleasure, and since they had no way of telling to begin with, we will give these tribes colors. The Red Tribe went north west- Towards the great lake they saw in the distance. The Blue tribe headed into the forest- Towards the ocean to the far north. And the Green Tribe went deeper into the plains, following the river south until they were settled. All three would eventually form their own separate four man communities. The deal was struck and made- They would each live on their own and at the end of the month return to the meeting stone to share stories and knowledge. And it worked. Despite the fact that storms would soon be upon them, and the weather would grow fierce, the Artias groups had formed a special kind of bond- One that grew beyond what they had set upon as 'families' or 'groups'. United they were, yet each walked a different path of life. And so began the first great divide of the Artias- A temporary one. |__________________________________________________________| The Red Group had decided, upon their trip, that they would have to develop a more firm method of catching food. They could not rely solely on the fruits of the river- They now had to learn how to use their knowledge and adaptability to do something new- Hunt as a group. Dedicated on their path, they used the sticks they had made to collect fish and turned them into spears- Weapons they could use to stab. Combined with fire, these were dangerous tools they could use to kill the local game. It was a rougher existence, but with this they could make an easier time of getting large amounts of meat to eat. The Blue Tribe found plenty of food amongst the forest- Between small game and fruits and berries, it wasn't hard for them to survive their trip north. But even so, they needed to think of more permanent solutions once they went deeper into the forest. Who knew what they would find deeper- So ingenious solutions came up. By collecting loose wood off the forest floor, they could place it together to create 'temporary shelters' that were more like huts then the previously labor intensive holes in the ground. These could be packed up and dragged on very rudimentary 'sleds', which were nothing more then sticks tied together to form a very rough sled to pull supplies. On the move, they made their way north, to scout the lands beyond the trees. The Green Tribe continued along the river, and were easily the ones that had the hardest time. Without the ability to stay in one place, and no bushes or forge or fruits- They had to rely on the river in new ways. Creating large 'holders' seemed like a good idea, though it took some time to come up with- Most of which were spent with spear fishing. Eventually, the idea of 'Nets' came to mind- Tying different lengths of rope together to create rudimentary nets that would be used to better collect fish along the river. This way, they could stay on the move, further and further south inland... |___________________________________________________| [hider= Events] *The Artias decided the best way to gain knowledge was to split up and find inspiration in new areas. They developed a basic rudimentary set of 'grunts' to better communicate with eachother, and split up into three groups- Red, Blue, and Green. *Red Group moved west, towards the lake, and developed fire hardened spears to hunt large wild game as they made their way closer to the lake. *Blue Group moved north. With an abundance of fruit and small game in the forest, they developed 'sleds' to transport food and supplies, as well as a more advanced hut, made with wood and rope instead of digging a hole in the ground. *Green Group moved south along the river. They developed fishing spears to fish for river fish- As well as nets for better fishing. *All three groups continued to move in their separate directions. A second post will be made once I'm updated with what they find on their map. *Social interaction happened, but I decided not to write about it because I don't feel like it added anything to the progression of the species as a whole. Can add more if needed. [/hider]