[h1][center] Natasha Dubrovnik [/center][/h1]

Natasha had been continuing to fire at the three mysterious beings who seemed to be almost impervious to getting hit. She cursed under her breath, though she was good at fighting even in mid-range combat, she preferred time to take her shot. She knew if she could just take a moment to take a shot that everything would be fine, and go exactly as she needed to, she'd be able to hit someone in the head, she would be praised and then she would take care of the next guy. These buffoons were ruining her whole day. She thought to herself, [i]I'll show them, I'll show them all what exactly can happen when you anger, Natasha Dubrovni-[/i] she paused as she heard the captain's orders to fire the ship's weapons, her eyes widening at the thought of the weapons firing in such a hangar. She decided this was the best time to get away from the hangar doors and stop firing. 

She crouched and heard the screeching, "I can fix that later" she'd say aloud to no one in particular as the weapons moved. She waited and when she heard them fire, a grin came across her face. She stood back up and as the doors were closing she took a peak. [color=lightcoral]""Oh what the actual fuck?!"[/color] She'd yell; aiming her blaster to take one more shot at them. But it was too late the door was closed. She sighed as she holstered her weapons and leaned back against a wall and took a deep sigh. She instantly made a note of each being in the hangar at the time, from the women who got bodied by the wall to the boy and his dog. Even Skylar who she figured would have crumbled in the combat. She shook her head at herself, if she had just hit a shot, she wasn't sure how they seemed to not care about the flash bomb she had thrown out but that was a matter for a different day. 

Natasha was somewhat listening to Solace when she heard the blaster fire, instantly she pulled her blaster again in the direction of where it came from, but not at Solace at wherever she was shooting. Expecting some type of combat. But rather she just saw the dead boy and dog. she looked around her eyes narrowed as she saw where the women that had gotten smashed into the wall, she wasn't there anymore. She would show up eventually, unless she decided to jump out of the airlock. She could hear the engines beginning to work but she thought to herself that the engines might need a bit of work. [color=lightcoral]"I should work on that when I get a chance, these engines should be booting up quicker."[/color] she'd say again to no one in particular. 

Looking up at Solace as she spoke to everyone. Raising her eyebrows at the comment. [color=lightcoral]"I'll do whatever, but I didn't do anything wrong, Captain."[/color] she'd say sounding as innocent as possible, smiling and batting her eyes at Solace for a moment before she turned gingerly now, as she walked towards the boy and the dog. [color=lightcoral]"I'll help with the weapon count, but i'll take care of these two. Don't you worry. And, you are right about five-toes. I'm not going to let him cook a dog and have me eat it. I have my morals to think about."[/color] she'd say as she grinned and winked at the crew. She turned her back to the crew and then bent down as she picked up the dog and the boy. Somehow this small girl was easily able to pick them up one in each hand. Little did those who did not know her know, that she had cybernetics running up her back and her arms increasing her strength and agility, it was always a surprise to some. But most were probably distracted with the Twi`lek and the others that had boarded the ship. She turned as she began walking towards the door. 

[color=lightcoral]"Don't worry i'll give them a proper burial... I'll show them what the outside of the airlock looks like."[/color] Natasha would say gingerly and with an innocent sounding voice. Her plan was simple, she was going to drop these two out of the airlock when they take off, then when she got the chance she could count the guns. Or, go fix the ship's guns and engines. After that... she had some planning to do. Not to mention during this whole thing her bracer was vibrating her arm. Her contact has another contract for her, so she will need to figure out where the crew was going next to see if this was a contract she could take.