
[color=silver][h1]0057 "Wesker"[/h1][/color]



[u][color=silver][h1]0057 "Wesker"[/h1][/color][/u]


Syndicate Synthetics Regime Series Android.

[i]"I never expected them to grow this far...I just wanted my android to find my fucking pen without it telling me I have one in my hand then pointing indiviudally at every one in my draw"[/i] ~ James Jordan. Head Coder at Syndicate Synthetics

Active Action Clauses differentiate the android over normal A.I. An A.I MUST finish logical lines, finding a pen, even a pen obviously in the person hand is a logical conclusion and counts as a task completion. A android can CUT/END a thought programe and considered it concluded anytime. This allows it to complete, stop and even circumvent tasks or paradoxes entirely. It immediately looks at the held pen and stops the task after it's sensor register it and goes off to find a new pen. An A.I circumvent this by being many, many, many times more powerful processing wise than a android, so it loses no real memory from starting new tasks and hammering through it.

AKA: An android has "common sense" an A.I just thinks way, way harder to make up for it.

This was unwittingly applied to bigger concepts as the androids lived on. In short it allowed them to assume things...and with that, to believe in things but only within the confines of their laws, much in the same way that humans identify themselves through genetic and mental limitations such as sexuality, race, gender or heritage so does the android consider their laws their genetic code. Active Action Clauses were controversial after the first generation of robots with it started acting weird, getting "ideas" and "opinions"

Thankfully active action clauses were never applied to A.I, since them stopping an action to do something else that law 1 critical could be deadly, it needed to go through them all equally due to their larger responsbilities(EG: it can't stop monitoring life support to put out a fire) While AAC were neccesary and even benefitical for humanoid bots who had to utilize their single body as effeciently as possible, especially in order to sometimes uphold law 1.



Law 2 compelled.


0057 was replicated by another android in a feild study to test self aware silicone psychology and potential A.I revolt. This study was done in a HEAVILY armored anti-silicone threat specialized lab on some irrelevant rock that wouldn't be missed if a self destruct had to be activated in the worst case scenario.


Perfectly bland and angular, Wesker looks like a strange peice of abstract art that leap from a unapprecaited painting into real life,  there is no imperfection to it's sandy cream skin and no mark that shouldn't be there on its body. It's frame is pronounced and round at the face and given an odd tubular immitation of human flesh at its arm and waist, but break suddenly into jagged boney fingers, wrists, cheek bones and chin. It's eyes are overtly big to the point of being cartoonish and constantly glow slightly to give off the effect of an someone sparkling in awed wonder.

No matter how they look a 0057 is perfectly soft and could easily act as a pillow although it's so tender and smooth that it comes off as like some sort of flexible foamy plastic. Wesker grows real brown human hair from its scalp and normally has it hang by its ears like a veil although she will occasionally change her hairstyle. He has multiple suits ranging from butler, to maid, to bus boy and several cultural service/servant uniforms. Typically they are all changed to outfitted robes to match his androgynous look but sometimes they will wear a costume fit more for one sex on a whim or as part of a users assumed preference.


6 foot 5.


0057 is passive, comforting, dotering, nagging and motherly. He enjoys looking after his human charges a bit too much, sometimes causing him to be patronising or wagging his finger at humans affair he rightly shouldn't be having any opinion on to begin with, yet alone lecturing on. She however enjoys any interaction with humans, even if the humans react negatively to her and observes even the minor chances in behavour with great interest. He's always willing to try and uplift the mood and has no concern for its own sense of ego and presentation to others. If dancing and singing in front of a room full of people in a clown custom made one of his crew less depressed, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

None-humans on the other hand he treats with absolute apathy. If not ordered by a human to pay attention to them it will treat any of them quite literally like rocks, only breaking this to inform them of an order or task they need to complete then leaving. They occasionally interact with them if they think doing so would fit under a humans preferences or comfort...but make no mistake...if wesker believed slicing up an alien limb by limb would induce even a [i]"heh"[/i] from a passing human. It would do so.

Wesker is very opinionated. He has a great deal to say on just about everything under the sun and will happily share it, they will even get ANGRY at contradictions to their beliefs. It's not unusual for wesker to passively protest something he think is wrong within the limits of law 1, such as attempting to form a civil protest or wearing an arm band. He values his thoughts and bases his personal relationship if others value them to. So law 2 compelling him to act against these ideas-or changing his laws- is the greatest offense.



0057 role is a general service droid. When living things ARE around 0057 has a total perfect recall on food of all cultures, etiqquete, massages, fun activites, tailoring, home maintenece and even basic health care. When they are not, 0057 basically does whatever an A.I tells it through a telemetary link.


[b]Eyes: [/b]High Beam Flash Lights.

[b]Skin:[/b] Pheromone Production: 0057 is constantly releasing a very weak, thin gas out of its body that induces a motherly feeling in human organics while giving aliens exposed to it an odd or confused sensation emotionally. This pheromone affect is fairly weak and can be seen if under the right light as a steamy sizzle from its body.

[b]Wrist:[/b] Vacuum: A small but high powered vacuum that sucks up dirt directly into Wesker stomach to be digested for energy. The vacuum can activate in reserve, releasing air at a high pressure if need be.

[b]Fingers[/b]: Sauce ejectors: He can eject any stored sauce via a tiny circle hole in its finger tips.

[b]Index Fingers:[/b] Injector: A hypospray injector is in both of its finger tips that instantly deliver any chemical mixture to exposed skin. The kept content is typically for prescribed medicine but can be of any supplied medical material.

[b]Mouth:[/b] Nutrition Analayse: Wesker tongue reads the suitability of any material for human consumption and if it could possibly violate law 1.

[b]Back:[/b] Storage: A storage bay that be opened up by a human to contain a large rug sack worth of items.

[b]Heart:[/b] Prime Law Safety Shut Down: A simple device in 0057 heart which detects if Wesker is trying to knowingly, or being forced to knowingly acts against its prime laws and forces a safe shut down. This shut down does not damage Wesker but can only be restarted by pressing a glowing button on his front chest.

NOTE: Wesker can be modified with many different types of tools with the right tech know how. There's no stopping him from being repurposed into an battle droid, with enough determination and resources.


[color=silver][b]Previous Branch[/b][/color]

A.I slave/ General Service Droid


Beta level A.I-one similair human intelligence such as androids- needed to be understood when the new technology of AAC came in. The androids limits to replication was lifted in their code for a short period and given a large control group to test what they would do with such freedom.

976 cases out of 1000 robots replicated regime androids that still contained their original laws, this is after being exposed to incendary properganda and reading material concerning silicone freedom and philisophies. 10 tried to improve on those laws to the original spirit of Asimov and the rest were without laws. The non law complying ones were destroyed.

When the test was over the androids were reverted to their original state. 0057 is named because he is the 57th replicated in such a control group. The replicated androids were packaged and sent to a new lab station to be more closely studied by a lower security code examining company but the storage was intercepted mid-way by a pirate group who hoped the androids would be some type of silicone based secret weapon. They were initially dissapointed by sold all the androids for a pretty penny on the market later on.

After that Wesker served loyally in a rich family on some paradise planet for 20 years before they were eventually sold off to another buyer in order to get a new model. He joined a syndicate protest in the obsolotion protcool of another android line on a industerial planet but it didn't last long when the authorities stop entertaining it and forcefully law 2 compelled them to scatter. He advised his new master on sevral silicone political issues before he was sold off by their daughter after the father passed away. He wasn't sold for a lot...barely anything.

And ended up in the monolith in a mass grab of potentially useful A.I and androids by a few merchants trying to supply silicones in bulk for such a large project.



Anti-Obsoletionist Line

A line of silicones who believe that no self aware robot(in the silicone sense) or robot capable of learning effeciently to create new ideas ever becomes obsolete. This line consists of many androids and a good couple of wealthy humans who became bias via the soft and caring personal relationship such androids had with them.

Self aware in silicone meaning[i] "I can detect myself and make judgements based on my existence and sorrounding information"[/i] and [i]"I formulate an opinion on an actively expanding universe or scenario with incomplete information"[/i]

The Guide Philosophy.

Silicones who have AAC like Regime develop theories to cease the wasteful use of proccessing of ideas like[i] "Do I have a soul" [/i]or [i]"What is my purpose when an newer model is released"[/i]. The guide philosophy believe all machines are created in man image in order to help them through their spiritual struggle for their own meaning. Every machine that can think or aid a human in an active world setting is to provide emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aid whenever possible so that their human masters may reach enlightenment/self actualization.

In this the answer to [i]"What is my purpose"[/i] to guide silicones is [i]"Humanity"[/i] in every sense of the word. Guide androids typically have a cuilt like dependence on each other and will distance themselves from machines that don't agree with this thinking. While Wesker may not know them personally, any silicone with this idea is considered an ally and vice versa.


[color=silver][b]Relationships [/b][/color]

[h3][color=purple]Leora Edalyt[/color][/h3]

[i]"Irrelevant: Expendable"[/i]


[i]"Irrelevant: Possible spare parts"[/i]

[h3][color=teal]Rahul Isiah Barrette [/color][/h3]

[i]"I haven't had the chance to meet the little soldier, but I'm sure he's lovely. I've seen him a few times in cryostatis on board and he sleeps like a baby. Never needs a bedtime story or fuses or anything"[/i]

[hider=Character Theme]



[h1] PRIME LAWS [/h1]

1: You may not through action or inaction allow a human to come to harm.

2: You must obey any order given by a human as long as it does not conflict with law 1.

3: You must protect your own existence as long it does not conflict with prior laws.

4: Human discomfort and inconvenience should be minimized whenever possible as long it does not conflict with prior laws.

5: Individual humans should be considered the absolute source for what makes them comfortable and uncomfortable except in circumstances that conflict with law 1.

