[center]Location:  Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: [@Calle]Henri the Gym Leader[/center]
[indent]Following the gym leader he hears him call for 'Nido' and sees a Nidorino follow the gym leader.  Bakuto smiles remembering what Thomas Redcliff said about the gym leader and how Nidorino was one of his  pokemon that wasnt  gym regulation.  Once entering the battle arena, Bakuto looked around but quickly gets into postion where he must stand and continued to listen to Henri the gym leader. 
When he was asked how many Pokémon  he wanted to battle with. Bakuto answers quickly, [color=lightblue]"Three Pokémon  sounds fine to me."[/color]  Bakuto pulls a pokeball from his hip then presses the center of it to expand the pokeball.  Bakuto looks down at Absol next to him. [color=lightblue]"Not you yet buddy.  We know this is a ground type gym but we need to still see what he has first and we have the perfect guy for the job of seeing what he has."[/color] Bakuto looks back towards the gym leader [color=lightblue]"If we are going to do a three team Pokémon battle then lets get started! Go Shedinja![/color]

Throwing out his first Pokémon he intends to start this battle off with first.  His  ghost, bug Pokémon Shedinja.  Absol just lays down out of the way and off the arena floor just going to watch the battle or take a nap it is hard to tell at the moment what Absol was going to do while waiting for a turn to be sent out to battle.  Bakuto waits for the gym leader to pick his Pokémon  next before trying to come up with a full strategy to deal with these ground type Pokémon.[/indent]