[h2][center]Location: Swan Songs[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Alejandro [@Pyxis][/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Paige [@Pilatus][/h3][/center][hr]

Siobhan heard her phone go off. The sound was as if someone had turned on a lightsaber. She laughed softly as she pulled out her phone. That laugh was enough to make people pay attention to her more.[color=yellow] “Excuse me Alejandro, my nerd is showing.”[/color]

Looking down she smirked at the text Paige had sent that she had been spotted. She’d hunt Paige down later. She had pressing business with Alejandro.[color=yellow] “Sorry a friend just texted telling me she spotted me. My name is Siobhan. Local artist. Moved here a few months ago from Prague myself. Where do you hail from and how long have you been here?”[/color]

Siobhan looked at him and grinned.[color=yellow] “That wouldn’t happen to be The Golden Flower? If so I’d love your permission to take some shots so I can paint the shop. I confess I was hoping to run into since I went by there and you weren’t there. I like to ask before I invade someone’s life so that I can make a living.”[/color]

Letting her eye roam she noticed the intricate details on his tattoos.[color=yellow] “Nice ink work. Did anyone design them or did you get them homemade?”[/color] She smirked taking the edge off the statement making it a tease just like he did with the pop comment.

Siobhan waived at the vinyls in her hand.[color=yellow] “My mother’s birthday is soon and I like to get her obscure vinyls as gifts. So here I am.”[/color]

Suddenly there was a commotion at the door and Siobhan saw The Sirens come in. She rolled her eyes and turned back toward Alejandro.[color=yellow] “Great. The last time they were in public the place was raided by police. I barely got out before I was handcuffed, and not in a good way. I’m not much into sports but there’s a baseball game that might be interesting and less likely to get us arrested. Would you be interested in going and talking business and you getting to know how I work? I always find that a good start with a prospective client.”[/color] Siobhan smiled winningly at Alejandro. Her eyes twinkled with excitement.[color=yellow] “My treat. Little baseball, some hotdogs and chatting about me taking photos of your shop. What do ya say?”[/color]