[quote=Demon Shinobi] Wolf look at Moira and blinked a little confused. He thought since it was obvious there was a telepathic connection. He didn't move even as she charged.Keeping his calm posture and demeanor he simply lifted his large paw and attempted to swat her away. Wolf didn't seem to really care much about the situation at all. He didn't see her as a threat. or rather he didn't care if she was. He had better things to do. Like sleep.[/quote] Moira was knocked back, she quickly got up from the attack as if she was uninjured. The lupa huffed in disapproval, she had wanted to test Wolf's mettle, it was rare that she encountered any like him. [b]That's a shame, then I will do whatever please to with your territory..[/b] She thought at him, an aura of energy seemed to spread across the ground they stood upon, seconds later plant life began to grow at a rapid pace. She lied down on the soft grass and looked toward Wolf. [b]How did this happen to you?[/b] She thought toward him, speaking of his unnatural size and stature. [quote=Demon Shinobi] Red X sighed pushing his would be partner off. "Go. We're done." He said having already stolen the gun and the money from him. He couldn't leave the guy with the weapon and he'd moved everything from the hide out already. He couldn't control the wild card. And even if he could it was too much work. Plus if Alexandre tried something he could stop him right now. He'd rigged the alley with a few traps. He went out of his stealth mode and looked around. "Alright. Gotta get ready for the xinothium heist." he said to himself calmly thinking he was alone. [/quote] Arachnid stood on the side of the wall, looking down at Red X, he wasn't sure who he was but he didn't look friendly under any circumstances. Aiming a single hand forward his web gauntlet fired with one motion, the ball of webbing was going straight toward Red X's back in hopes that it'd pin him to the ground. Mason blinked in surprise when he found himself in the kitchen, he wasn't sure what to make of it but it seemed that the rest of the group were getting ready to make food. He realized that he had still been holding onto the cyromancer female, he made no gestures and left the kitchen, finding a couch to place the female on before returning to the place. In all honesty, the boy felt he wasn't in the right place, he was feeling regretful of this but he mustered up courage and pulled his mask back, a scar went down the corner of his right eye and stopped at his cheek. He managed a small smile and wondered how he could make himself useful in the matter at hand.