
Magical sports sounded interesting to Alexander. Normal sports always seemed so mundane, but with addition of magic, it would add some much needed excitement. Granted, that wasn't enough to get him to watch it...but after he heard that Lily was going to play that changed "[color=aba000]I wonder what this is all about[/color]"


"[color=aba000]What...the...hell?[/color]" Alexander wasn't thrown off by the sport itself. To him, it just seemed like an extreme form of wrestling with limited contact (which was an actually interesting concept). No, what had him baffled was Lily. She was [i]pissed[/i] at this other girl "[color=aba000]And what was that about 'stealing' me? Was there a kidnapping attempt that I didn't notice!? Dammit Lily, you need to [i]tell[/i] me about those kind of things![/color]" He groaned in frustration. Then Lily started changing and things got [i]weird[/i] "[color=aba000]What!? Why is she using her berserk mode? Just what's-...wait, who's [i]Chad[/i]?[/color]" Not only was he starting to panic, but Alexander was also now thoroughly confused "[color=aba000]...I feel like I'm missing a lot of context here[/color]" Things started getting even more crazy when Lily made a cage of lightning to trap them, with images that he couldn't quite make out between the bars "[color=aba000]...The fuck is going on!?[/color]" And then Lily seemed to burn herself out, and the fight ended

"[color=aba000]Fuck...[/color]" Alexander turned to walk out of the stadium "[color=aba000]What did I just watch!? I mean, the sport seemed okay, but Lily just went [i]nuts[/i]. I think she's going to need some time to calm down, I know I would after a fit like that. In the meantime...maybe I should look into playing that sport. I mean hey, free gold coin just for playing, so why not?[/color]" His mind made up, Alexander went in search of a place to sign up for a match.