[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F5BCC9]Desdemona Pemberton[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/8FJsUlhnBf5OvF0NBM/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=F5BCC9]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
[b][color=F5BCC9]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center]

Despite the many voices surrounding her, which at one point would have driven her up a wall in frustration, she found herself enjoying it because these people didn't piss her off. [color=F5BCC9]"Would have made more sense for me at the Hecate table, or even Hades, but we can't pick our parents right?"[/color] She was still confused at how she could possibly have Aphrodite as a mother but wasn't adolescence the time for rebellion anyway?

[color=F5BCC9]"I wear the shirt ironically until I can get my hands on some scissors. I intend to "punkify" it as soon as possible. Any help would be appreciated,"[/color] she informed Aster. He was her "man on the inside" as it were. If she wanted to maintain her persona, she would have to find ways to go about it. 

Before she could continue, a horn sounded. She looked around and noticed others standing up or what looked to be preparing for something. [color=F5BCC9]"I take it that isn't a good horn?"[/color]