[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=SlateBlue]Athanasia Theroux[/color] [/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000A111v6FSs48/s/750/750/tpee9740-3.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=SlateBlue]Location[/color][/b] Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavillion[/center] [hr][hr]

A horn sounding across the camp interrupted the chat between Andy and Athanasia. The pale girl turning her head towards the sound, as she caught Arthur asking what the horn meant. A reasonable question, she thought as the sound seemed out of place. Sipping at the tea, she frowned as Demetri came bolting over, dagger in hand, and ordering the three young half-bloods behind him. Smiling sweetly, Athanasia had an unnerving glint in her black eyes that spelled trouble as she set down the tea. [color=SlateBlue]"Oh la, Demetri. Thinking to defend little me."[/color] She crooned though there was an undertone of annoyance. As if she couldn't defend herself! Flipping her braid over one shoulder, the child crossed one leg over the other at the ankle. It irked her, but it was true. As she was, Athanasia had to admit that she was pretty vulnerable and weak. Not to say that couldn't change, for it would change, but it was irritating while she always felt 'lesser'. She was supposed to be the best and brightest. Perfection was her goal, nevermind what her mother thought.

Zeke was also on the defensive she noted, so that horn was definitely not good and not some 'big brother overreaction'. [color=SlateBlue]"I dislike being short."[/color] Athanasia muttered into her tea, wrinkling her nose. [color=SlateBlue]"If you would, snälla?"[/color] To anyone else she was speaking to the air, but the earth groaned and a skeleton emerged from the ground next to Athanasia. The tiny girl was simply grateful this one had all its bones. [color=SlateBlue]"Go see what's about."[/color] Ash ordered her chin in her hands. Kicking her legs back and forth absently. [color=SlateBlue]"See Demetri? Those who wish to make bones with me, will deal with bones."[/color] Grinning at the phrase she had heard her mother say to a colleague. 'If they wish to make bones about it-!'