[hr][hr][center][h1][color=FB5A7E]Leighton Brooks[/color][/h1][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DecentFlippantAbyssiniangroundhornbill-size_restricted.gif[/img][hr][color=FB5A7E][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Mutant Underground - Washington D.C. [color=FB5A7E][b]Skills[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] Leighton bit her tongue when Sapphire began talking. Really, she was surprised anyone got to stay around in this group if they were continually insulted and looked down on just for being new. She waved it off. She had no intention of going with her anyway. She felt she would probably stab her with an ice shard before their mission was through, and no one needed to see that. No, she wanted to go with Veil. She felt she could be of more use there. [color=FB5A7E]"I'd like to go to the bar."[/color] Leighton glanced at Max, wondering what he would do. She hated herself for thinking it, but her thoughts raced to the possibility of prisoners or hostages and more accidents happening, but it would also show Max wanted to prove he could help people. And she wanted to be there for him. Either way, it seemed they had a decent team going to the bar. Hopefully, it would pan out and help her in her ultimate decision of where she wanted to go when all was said and done. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=9A86AD]Anastasia Reinhardt[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/2a471cc0cd00bdbfb5df1fc3fa679f39fb498a35/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f31536f304c466d433132693244673d3d2d3632373836383137382e313535316161373631386531393564643438323930343139383539322e676966[/img][hr][color=9A86AD][b]Location[/b][/color]: Hellfire Club [color=9A86AD][b]Skills[/b][/color] Morality Manipulation[/center][hr][hr] Ana had been enjoying the back and forth from some of the higher-ups. It was almost comical how easy it could be to manipulate everyone in the room and have them all out for blood while she continued to enjoy her pancakes. But that would not serve her overall purpose and it would just get messy (she WAS in all white, after all). No, she let it play out, even when Requiem was called out to deliver his findings as to the theft of the Sentinel. She wondered why he would ask him to do such in front of everyone, but she would listen. [color=9A86AD]"Oh breakfast AND a show. How marvelous."[/color] Ana listened with fake enthusiasm as Requiem went over what he had found. She even faked being surprised at hearing her own name in the mix. Really, how delicious was that? She took an interest in his words because she had been having some similar thoughts. In fact, she was able to put two and two together. This wasn't so much about the Sentinel as it was about the power dynamic. Shaw vs. Frost for the battle of supremacy. It was laughable, really. [color=9A86AD]"Really, well done. It was like Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie right in this very room. I always wanted to be part of a mystery. Do let me become your Irene Adler to your Sherlock please?"[/color] Ana stood up and faced Shaw. She had made her decision as to allies and decided to move her first pawn. She latched on to his mind, which was no easy feat. In fact, he put up a fight so much she felt hungry again, like she hadn't eaten in days despite just enjoying a lovely spread. In the end, she won as she stared him down. He probably knew it too, which made it even more fun. [color=9A86AD]"Now Mr. Shaw, I believe Requiem had some solid points. But I have worked with Emma for a bit now, so you can imagine that I have been observing her behavior. As such, I do not believe she is the culprit. So let's just get it all out there, shall we? This was all a big ruse was it not? Aren't you the one who "stole" your own Sentinel?"[/color]