[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IhCmI5a.png[/img][/center][hr] Of course things would become complicated, and if it hadn't been through the miqo'te before her offering assistance without strings, there likely would have been some other minor issue that would have cropped up. At the very least they were a friendly bunch, made all the more so from that offer and despite that she wasn't necessarily included in it, she would shrug and come alongside him anyways. He did actually have the right idea of things, in that normally people were a little more conducive to helping you out if you did something for them first, so she couldn't hold it against him and offered a slight weary smile. [color=0072bc]"I'm not exactly a stranger to hard work, so that won't be an issue with me."[/color] She said, both to X'gihl and her fellow Hyur. [color=0072bc]"Not that I've done much dock work, so you'll have to forgive a lay hand."[/color] And with that she was off down the dock as well, giving a light stretch that made a little jingling sound of metal against metal, the plate armor rubbing against itself as she did so. Once at the boat she left her gear at the side, knowing that it would really only get in the way of things, and stopped only to dab at her face with a little bit of that ointment to relieve the burning of her sunburn once more. [color=0072bc]"Should note, that despite the enthusiasm of my fellow here, we've really got to be back to helping our comrade up at the bazaar."[/color] Hard-working folk like them would surely understand the bonds of camaraderie, and more so the need to keep them intact and help their own. Isabella came up to take off her gauntlets, revealing the worn and calloused palms that had been seen years of spear-work to hone her skill, and nodded over to the man who seemed to be in charge of things, or at least who they volunteered to assist. [color=0072bc]"Might have heard something about it actually, Lyveva of that group the Blessed Twelve? They've had a spot of bad luck lately and so we've agreed to lend them a helping hand in maybe turning that around. Not for the gil mind you, and not just because they don't have much of it to spare nowadays. She just seems like the kind of person to have invested her heart and soul into her company, and there's a shortage of those kinds of people in the world."[/color]