[h1][i][color=75c159]T[/color] e t r a d[/i][/h1]

[color=75c159]” The many must lose so that the few may win.”[/color]

[color=888888]— Tetrad[/color]

(Earlier in the talent show)

When it was Tetrad’s turn, she stepped out onto stage wearing a white hooded robe over her beach outfit, paired with sunglasses and lots of other #SWAG.

[hider=Rap Queens][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/embed/SqmSAMP8W08[/youtube][/hider]

[color=75c159]”I'm a pastor, I'm a priest,
Dropping beats like a beast,

Take your scrawny hide and turn you into a feast!

I'm a judge holding hammer attending Sunday mass,

And I’m about to pass judgement on your lily ass!”[/color]

[center][h2]We interrupt this broadcast due to time restraints and a stronger desire to get this shit on the road.[/h2]

[h1][i]! E X C E L S I O R ![/i] [/h1][/center]


[color=PeachPuff]”Dan?”[/color] Su smiled. [color=PeachPuff]”I’m grateful that you ran the vacation for as long as you did. I’ve been grieving for a very long time, and I feel like coming here did a lot to accelerate my recovery. I’ve learned a lot about myself, including the direction I wish to take my life. I don’t think that would have happened under the twin’s rule.”[/color] She squeezed Helga’s hand. Su’s face relaxed as she continued, with her smile vanishing entirely. [color=PeachPuff]”However, this world will never be perfect. My patron likely wishes to know where I am. He and Penrose are without their protectors. Even if all of the magical girls are here, there are still monsters that could attack Penrose at any moment. I am ready to leave this place.”[/color]


[color=afab2c]“I’m not really all about sitting on a beach. I mean it was fun and everything, but I’ve got a sore to settle with Feral.”[/color]

[color=tomato]“Who’s that?”[/color]

[color=afab2c]“Uhhhh…”[/color] Lupa looked away from Mika. [color=afab2c]“A-a bad dude!”[/color] Lupa recovered. [color=afab2c]“This was a blast, but sometimes you can’t fully unwind when you know there’s an ass that needs kickin’, you know what I mean?”[/color]
[color=75c159]”I have more banners than you. Get rekt normie.”[/color]

[color=888888]— Tetrad[/color]

Tetrad chuckled. [color=75c159]”It’s been fun, Dan.”[/color] She placed her hands on her hips. [color=75c159]”I never thought beating up a bunch of lesbians with my tits would be so rewarding. I mean participation was a gold coin alone!”[/color] She examined one of her gloved hands and flexed her fingers. [color=75c159]”But as great as that competition was, it had losers, and a lot of them. Few people enjoy losing.”[/color] Tetrad chuckled. [color=75c159]”Can you really say this place is free of pain? For a dolphin that feeds on a steady diet of happiness and good feelings, you enjoy watching us suffer for a victory.”[/color] Her finger shot out and pointed at Dan. [color=75c159]”Well that’s fine, But I don’t want to suffer in your game any more. I want to suffer on my own terms! The greatest risks for the greatest rewards! Oh, and I guess saving the world is pretty rewarding too. Don’t want to come across as a bad role model or anything.”[/color] 


Veronica scoffed. [color=#bd71e8]“You’re a fool if you thought you could keep me here forever. Discarding the lamp the way you did was just sloppy. It was only a matter of time before someone found it.”[/color] She placed a hand on her hip. [color=#bd71e8]“It is by choice that I did not take action against you. This space provided me with ample opportunities, so I left you alone. But the circumstances have changed and there is no longer a reason for me to linger here.”[/color] Veronica fixed her gaze on Dan. [color=#bd71e8]“Release us at once. I might not have the power to make the world disappear, but making things like [i]you[/i] disappear is my specialty.”[/color]

Betty blushed. [color=ade81b]”I-it was nice to see Binky again. That made me very happy.”[/color] She looked at Dan. [color=ade81b]”But the way everyone is talking, this place is just another prison. Out of the fryer and into the freezer.”[/color] She drew her weapon and stood like a samurai ready to fight. [color=ade81b]”Binky deserves true freedom! I’ll fight ‘till my last breath if that’s what it takes!”[/color] 


[color=e5559b]"I’m having lots of fun bonding with everyone!"[/color] After getting a glare from everyone from Beacon, she sighed. [color=e5559b]"Okay, yea, this kind of sucks. I wanna return to the real world now."[/color]


Abigail let out a jovial laugh. [b]"I’m not going to let some creepy, squeaky dolphin control my life!"[/b] She folded her arms. [b]"This really isn’t that different from mind control. You’ve created an environment where we are forced to do your bidding. You’re certainly a lot cuter than the last person who did this to me, and you’re not trying to destroy the world. On those two counts, I will show you mercy."[/b] Her grin widened. [b]"If you let us leave right now, you won’t have to learn if it’s possible for a dolphin to survive passing through a gravitational singularity."[/b]


[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPZzqVqERxA]”I feel so broke up, I wanna go home.”[/url]


As the rejections started to pile up, it became more and more apparent to Dan that he would have to get serious in order to keep the fantasy world together. So he lifted his fins into the air and- 


[color=tomato]“Wait, You can’t end the world yet! I need to do my performance!”[/color] Mika Stumbled onto the stage. Her outfit was very similar to her magical girl outfit. Something fit for an Arabian entertainer. Before she came to a stop, she started to play her flute. The one that allowed her to [b]control dolphins.[/b] 

[hider=You can never have too many youtube tags in one post.][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be1jJCH32OU[/youtube][/hider]

The Music caused Dan to stop whatever it was that he was doing. The sweat drop on the side of his head got bigger, but he could not fight the urge to move to Mika’s song. He spun and danced his way over to Mika, even performing a flip before landing on stage. That was when Mika lowered her flute and looked into his eyes.

[color=tomato]“Dan.”[/color] Mika held the flute in front of her mouth, but wasn’t blowing into it. [color=tomato]“I had mixed feelings about this place. It’s possible to have a lot of fun, but I don’t really feel like the barriers around us have really dropped. Everyone can be friends, but they will always stay closest to their respective groups.”[/color] Mika sighed. [color=tomato]“Maybe it’s because I’m not very smart, but I don’t think there’s a way to change that. When you give everyone what they want, there isn’t really a reason to make new friends. People only need to cooperate when there’s a struggle. What happened at the graveyard was terrible, but we all came together to stop it. I made some friends when that happened. But here, I have made none.”[/color] Mika’s tail was wagging side to side. [color=tomato]“While I want to leave this place with everyone else, our being together has given me the ability to make another friend.”[/color] Mika wrapped her arms around Dan. [color=tomato]“Even if it wasn’t perfect, this was the best vacation I ever had! And knowing that you were here the entire time, hosting tournaments, watching us, making sure we didn’t fight…”[/color] She kissed Dan on the side of his bill. [color=tomato]“I really like you Dan. I think you should come with us to Penrose. I know just where you could live!”[/color] Tears streak down the sides of Dan's head as he shivered in her embrace.

Su’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. This wasn’t unexpected behavior from Mika, but she wasn’t about to let a magical talking dolphin stay at the Golden Trove. Magical ghost twins were one thing, but Boteg didn’t like to be around things with even the smallest amount of magical energy. If Dan could manage an entire dimension like this, he would not be a welcome guest. 


[color=cfff04]”Just one more.”[/color]

[color=888888]— Tonya “Mac” Murphy[/color]

[hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy]
[b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity
Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai
Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact

Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta
Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b]

STR: 05 | AGI: 04 |  VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03

STR: 10 | AGI: 08 |  VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05

Earnings this post: Zilch

Total: 6 Gold, 111 Silver, 120 Bronze

Welp, it looked like things were wrapping up.

Mac hadn't gotten a lot done, but she'd be lying if she expected to. The goal was just to elude everyone until the vacation ended, and she did pretty good with that. She even had some fun in the process!

But Mac also knew what was in store for the future. This was a respite before a great despair, but it was one that her patron had put into motion. All she could do was continue ensuring the string of fate accurately foretold the future.

When it suited her at least.