[hider=Dogfight - Evade - 13] https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/16758 [/hider]

Lancer hit his airbrakes in order to force enough drag to shot backward past the missiles, and twisting his ailerons so that his plane was sideways. This maneuver turned the trajectory of the missiles in order to detonate on his fuselage, unfortunately for the missiles, they hit each other in front of Lancer's cockpit, where his trusty tomcat took no damage. The only real damage would be a bright light in front of him from the explosion. With a smirk beneath his helmet, he disabled his airbrakes, pushing forward the throttle, his twin engines would whine, before hitting into afterburn, on the ground below, that familiar heated-screech would sound off.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/zYN6PyN.gif[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "Next time pace your fucking battles in the soup. Angel-2 can handle herself, you white knighter."

Straightening out his plane so he wasn't viewing the world from the side anymore. Lancer took full control of his plane from there, flipping a few switches to knock off the auto stabilizers that kept hypoxia and vertigo from creeping in and ruining his flight, he flicked his nose toward the increasing size of a plane-chain of fighters, aiming toward the bogey tailing Angel-5, particularly the pilot's cockpit, he was going to plant a 20mm round right to the dome of the pilot trying to take down another Angel.

[hider=Precision Attack on Bogey - 14]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/16759[/hider]

In the meantime, he decided to keep himself busy, broadcasting his intentions on the friendly channel.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/zYN6PyN.gif[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "I have a feeling I know who's leading this attack. All Angel callsigns prep for the real fight."

[img]https://i.imgur.com/zYN6PyN.gif[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "Switching channels. Ping me if you want me to hear something."

Lancer turned the dial on his transmitter with his free non-aiming hand, to an old Joint-Ops frequency he knew once upon a time.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/d8gossi.png[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "Oi, you fucking queen-crotch-licking imps, I know you know when your frequencies are used."

He gave them time to be curious as to why there was a Vlhakian frequency being used in the area of operations. He knew they were busy and he wouldn't be rude and presumptuous that they weren't already on this frequency. After enough time, he spoke up again.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/d8gossi.png[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "I know you hear me. I just wanted to tell you I'll be bringing you down myself, big guy."

[img]https://i.imgur.com/d8gossi.png[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "I'm taking your black box and holding your whole fucking charade of a unit hostage internationally."

[img]https://i.imgur.com/d8gossi.png[/img][color=f7941d] Lancer:[/color] "Then I'm coming for your royalty and sticking their crowns so far up their asses this attack will look like an even bigger joke."

[hider=Threat over Comms - 25]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/16760[/hider]