[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmYwMTAwYS5WR2hsSUZKbGRtVnNPZywsLjIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/shlop.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LmYwMTAwYS5SWGxsSUc5bUlHZHZiR1FzSUhSeWRXVWdhWE1nWm1Gc2MyVSwuMgAA/shlop.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LmYwMTAwYS5WMmh2SUdseklIZG9iejgsLjIAAA,,/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] [sub][right]Interacting with [@Scribe of Thoth][@Hero][@Trainerblue192] [/right][/sub] A small group of people that had been walking back to the campus festivities took notice of their little trio. Not enough to stop walking but a few gestures and shrugged shoulders were sent their way. After that, more curious eyes would be turned their way as word got around that a bunch of people were just hanging out behind the ballroom. [hr] [sub][right]Interacting with [@WeepingLiberty] [/right][/sub] Dennis ducked his head, hiding the faint blush on his cheeks but his ears betrayed him. He smiled at her a moment later as Ari spoke and his smile fell at her comments. The dance came to an end, giving Ari a bow as they separated. [color=D42CF9]“I don’t think it is! There is a lot to learn here so taking the time to figure out what you want is admirable!”[/color] Dennis spoke earnestly. [color=D42CF9] “Plus, you don’t really have the same kind of time limits as we do, do you? Nothing wrong with taking advantage of that.”[/color] He turned his head to the side and although his lips moved, nothing came out but another flush ran across his face and he shook his head. [color=D42CF9] “So I’m getting a little overheated. Would you like to join me upstairs for a little bit? I, uh, really need some water.”[/color] Dennis asked sheepishly. [color=D42CF9] “But uh, you don’t have to! There is still lots to do and I don’t expect you to settle for chilling with me at a party.”[/color] [hr] The vampiress had the boy pinned against one of the lecture halls, some inane color or another, and he looked so vulnerable, so uncertain. She barely gave him a second to process as she whipped forward and sank her fangs in his throat. She recoiled the second the blood sprayed on her tongue, having the common sense to at least seal the bite before she did, and nearly lost her dinner. She wanted sweet but this was so sweet it physically hurt. What a useless blood bag. Can’t even have the common decency to taste right. She gave him an appraising look as he blinked for a few minutes. Well, that could be changed. She was pressing against his throat in a heartbeat, closing his airway as his bite addled head caught up with the hear and now. He clutched at her wrist, trying to dig his nails into her as he kicked out. Anything he could do to shake her off. He could feel his heart racing and his lungs screaming against the lack of oxygen. It dawned on the poor mage what was about to happen. Spots danced in front of his eyes but he relaxed against her hand, letting her support him, as he reached out. His magic was sluggish to respond, tired and worn out from the lack of oxygen, but when it settled he yanked as hard as he could. The ground beneath her collapsed and she leapt back just in time to avoid falling into the hole. He hit his knees as he gasped for breath and his vision swam but his victory didn’t last long. In a blink, she had him against the wall, fangs bared and sinking back into him. He went slack as she drank, much more pleased with the sour tinge breaking through the sweet.