[center][h1][color=FF1493]Sophia von Zeerover[/color][/h1][/center] It had only been an hour since she had found herself back in Penrose, and yet it all seemed to have gone to some literal frozen-over hell in a hand-basket. Her Patron had been squeaking and creaking and rattling and the like non-stop in her ears at first, worried tones and concerns far more obvious than not, and she'd quickly jumped in her transport ship to go find someone. Not much chance she'd find her "ally" anytime soon...not that the maid lass didn't have enough to worry about as it was, it seemed. More than that, she only had one person she knew decently-ish that hadn't been trying to kill her as well. Goo Las-....Amaryllis. Yes, Amaryllis. Was a nice name, had a good ring to it. Though a lotta' monsters needed killing as well, much to her own admission as well as the information provided by her patron. Bah. They were magical girls, they had a job to do! And no good pirate let a mate get drug behind before a good hunt! Lots of enemies were out and about, to be slaughtered and plundered for coin and riches! Yet in the meantime... [color=crimson][i]'CREEEEEEEEEEEAK'[/i][/color] [color=FF1493]"Oi, ah' git' yer' point, ya' creakin' squeakin' majesty....but ah' missed' ya' too, an' it seems like ya' saw a lotta' goins'-on in tha' meantime. Ah' jus' gotta search fer er' first, ok? Keep ah' lookout fer' er' as well, don't wanna' be tha' only one doin' this ere'. An' at maid lass' oughta' be fine as well fer now, ah' hope."[/color] Such a needy ghost ship, not that its worries weren't unfounded in this case either. [hr] [center][h1][color=6A5ACD]Serenity Gates[/color][/h1][/center] Penrose had gone so very dark, so very cold while they all had been gone in that beach dimension. How long had time passed here in the meantime? Days? Weeks? Months? Clearly not years at least, much to her comfort, but eventually she'd decided she needed to check up on someone. Alicia. More than just the weather, something felt [b]wrong[/b] in the air of Penrose that she could not shake. Even the warmth of the arms of her "fake" family couldn't seem to chase away the concerns and anxiety she felt bubbling up inside about it all. Eventually she'd excused herself to "go visit a friend who wasn't feeling well", and after agreeing to bundle up and "be safe" she had eventually been allowed out. Trudging through the icy cold and snow-covered streets of a city that had seemingly only seen disaster after disaster, the untransformed Serenity made her way towards Alicia's house. Maybe she'd be there? She had no idea right now, to be blunt. Though she wouldn't do nothing in the meantime. Punching in a number and pulling her family-provided cellphone to her face, and barely tugging the scarf wrapped around her low enough to speak clearly, Serenity listened to the ringer go off over and over with baited breath. She couldn't hear anyone picking up yet, but that didn't mean something bad was happening...right? [color=6A5ACD]"C-C-Come on, Alicia....please pick up...,"[/color] the girl said under her breath, as if to console herself whilst she made the arduous trip just down the street a few short blocks. [@Ariamis] [@Flamelord] [hr] [center][h1][color=gold]Ninha[/color][/h1][/center] The song of battle seemed to hang in the air, the darkness of night, the bitterness of the cold, and the prowling of monsters that had taken over the streets in the seeming absence of many of the city's protectors. Albeit it seemed they had all arrived back out of the blue an hour ago. A very strange occurrence, something she'd chock up to the gods' handiwork...or at least some potentially malicious being perhaps. Running from rooftop to rooftop, her attire billowing in the wind behind her, the transformed monster girl felt the thrill of the hunt coursing through her once more as she went about pursuing monsters that lurked in the shadows. It was like falling back into an old practice, and old habit, but without the struggle some might have at adjusting to such. So natural was this task to her, so ingrained into her being was the slaughter of monsters and her enemies, it was akin to breathing for the common man. Alas, with the other magical girls back she was unsure how long her time would last for his particular venture before someone else popped in. Some could get so territorial about their cities and places, not that she much cared about that after all these years. [color=gold]"Hmm?"[/color] Something caught Ninha's attention, causing her to stop on the top of a nearby building. Just as she'd found another bit of prey to slaughter as well. [color=gold]"So [i]those[/i] people are here somewhere as well. How peculiar...but unsurprising all the same."[/color] A small smile came to the monster girl's face. Nothing she had to worry about right now, frankly. Knowing [i]them[/i], they'd be busy internally before they looked outwards perhaps. For now, she could just go about her business and maybe see if she ran into anyone interesting. [@Vocab]