[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Mentions: [color=d42cf9]Smol Dennis[/color] [@Achronum][/sub] [/center] Amaris followed after Dennis, not quite matching his speed but always just a step or two behind him as they made their way through the crowd and toward the stairs. She gracefully swung herself into a seat as the mage finished draining his first glass of water, almost instantly seeming refreshed by it. It was always fascinating to her the powers water had over mortals, one could almost lightly compare it to the blood consumed by a vampire in some ways. Still, it was their differences that really captivated the countess’ ever active mind. “[color=d42cf9]I don’t know how people do this all the time. This whole event is a lot to deal with.[/color]” Dennis’ voice pulled Amaris from her thoughts back to the table with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. Events like these required a great deal of stamina, both mental and physical. Amaris was already somewhat used to these types of things. While never having to face the brunt of the political side of these events, she had still grown up around her fair share of extravagant parties. To her, the masquerade hosted by Ryner was far more relaxed in nature than any of the others she had attended in her youth, but it was understandable how draining it could be for the uninitiated. “[color=d42cf9]So uh…[/color]” The mage started, seeming to struggle for a moment to decide on his words. He seemed nervous, though to be fair it was likely he hadn’t counted on her agreeing to dance, let alone spend extra time with him. She waited patiently for him to collect his thoughts before he finally selected one he sounded particularly excited about. “[color=d42cf9]Oh! What language was that word you used from? Estrangeo? Eostranger? I’m butchering this aren’t I?[/color]” Amaris had to bite back her laughter, thrilled at his attempts but equally amused at his failings. It reminded her of when she first started to learn languages, how she would often mix up her words and speak in sentences comprising of several different made up hybrid conjugations. “[color=f49ac2][i]Estraneo[/i]. It’s Italian, though I get the feeling you might already have an idea of what the word means. Think of it as less of a butcher and more of a Freudian slip of sorts.[/color]” She offered kindly, her smile borderline reminiscent. “[color=f49ac2]I enjoy languages quite a bit actually, they’re kind of like riddles sometimes. But I find out of all the different ones I’ve tried to learn, Italian just feels… right. Reminds me a little bit of home somehow. Sorry, that must sound really strange to you… So how about you? Are you interested in languages as well, or perhaps the riddles they present instead?[/color]” Amaris leaned forward, her elbows on the table with her fingers linked to create a perch for her chin to rest on. With every passing comment, she found herself more and more intrigued by the mage. It wasn’t often that she got the opportunity to have such mundane discussions about pure interests, if she wasn’t careful she might end up scaring the boy off before she had gotten her fill of conversation.