[center][h1]S [color=red][i]i l h o u e t t e[/i][/color][/h1] 

[quote=Silhouette][color=red]"I am a blade. A blade knows no fear. A blade knows no doubt. When faced with my enemy, I hesitate not."[/color][/quote][/center]

A chill went up Silhouette's spine as the monster girl went on. She could not claim she was an Empath, but she certainly could tell what this girl before her was feeling. It was familiar. A lust for battle that could not be hidden, even by her convincing guise of an affable girl. Sil was quite irritated that her words had fallen upon deaf ears, but more so than that, was confusion as to why she could almost immediately tell what this girl was thinking. Fighting was what she was best at, but it was not as though she enjoyed the thrill of it. 

[color=red][b][i]Why lie to yourself?[/i][/b][/color]

Sil dropped into a lower stance, her blade raised before her chest, a glare shot directly at the monster girl. She was, however, worried about those words.  

That was it. The Voice. A twisted existence that resulted from the use of the Black Coin. A foreign entity that had, since the graveyard incident, been mostly quiet. Aside from her first few attempts at an Penumbra clone, it hadn't tried anything. So why now, all of the sudden? It was unlikely to be of much use thinking about it. All she had to do was keep it under control and everything would be alright.

[color=red][i]Shut up. I'm not a beast, I'm a professional.[/i][/color]

Silhouette heard a mocking laugh in response, but nothing else. This was probably for the best. It wasn't as though she forgot about the obvious threat in front of her. The green-haired girl decided that they should 'introduce each other' through some particularly violent means, it would appear. 

If that's how she wanted to play things, Sil would begrudgingly follow her lead. It would be best not to let her sense dull, after all. Particularly when the Ascendancy is roaming about. 


Silhouette's free hand reached down to the small beast she had just slain, similar to a goblin in stature, her immediate response being to wait for the girl to come to her. 

Despite her friendly demeanor while she was chatting, the girl now charging at Silhouette was completely stoic, and her movements were almost machine-like in how deliberate they were. Maybe she was something of a trained killer, too? No, Sil would not stand for something like this. If you pursued anything other than a business-like relationship with enacting death, you weren't any sort of professional. Blood-lust was the trait of a murderer, or a beast. And she certainly wasn't going to be grouped with one of those. 

When Enkidu's chains reached the critical distance from her, Sil would raise the body up with one hand, having placed its corpse in Stasis, and would attempt to use it as a small shield. Though it's shape wasn't perfect for the task, she desired to deflect the blow and charge forwards with her knife, lunging for her gut.