[hider=Taiborn Misthain] -Character Full Name: Taiborn Misthain -Gender: Male -Race: Human -Height: 5 foot 9 inches -Weight: 145 pounds -Main Class: Mage -Subclass: Blood Mage -Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/4a/b7/2d4ab7e77ff6141947b4ca7f20da702d.png[/img] [/hider] -Short Biography: Taiborn grew up with a fairly wealthy family, and from a young age was shown to have an affinity for the arcane arts. Largely supported by his family the early years of his arcane delvings was spent in private study with a wizard named Tralic. After a long period of training, and entering into his young adulthood he started to seek a power that his mentor couldn't assist with. Instead of continuing to learn under Tralic, Taiborn decided to follow a personal study into the arcane runes, the forbidden secrets, and ostracizing acts of blood magic. In his middle-aged years he delved into lost tombs and and crypts searching for more power, magical artifacts, and tomes of secret knowledge. The more he explored the more his desire for power became more insatiable, eventually coming to terms with using the dark secrets to unlock lichdom, the unending necromantic life of the undead. He was willing to sacrifice everything to get that power, all while his will slowly broke under the strain of sacrificing friend and foe to further his cause of life ever after. As Taiborn entered his senior years, the weight of his decisions caught up to him, and he started to change for the better. The lust for power disappeared, replaced with the will to train and teach others not to make the mistakes he had. Though, still if given an opportunity he would take Lichdom to continue learning, crafting, and teaching the arcane arts, if only to prove that even in the darkest of hearts, there is a light somewhere. -Personality Description: Taiborn is logical over emotional, tending to think through his problems over feel through them. Quick thinking and calm, very rarely getting angry. He works well with others, now that his lust for power is quenched, but he is more than able to be alone with his books that never leave his side. His arcane knowledge of the darker sides of magics, especially for his necromantic wishes, are hidden thoroughly. -Why have you come to Draydon? Taiborn has journeyed to study within the Academy of Magii. The call of knowledge even, at the risk of his own life to learn, is too much to resist. Not only that, but the Mere holds secrets that he wishes to pry open, examine and learn with every fiber of his being. -Character Fighting Style: Long distance being preferred, engaging with flame based magic, and only pulling the darker arts in dire situations as not to cause alarm. -Primary Armament: An adamantine staff, glamoured to look like a mere walking stick. Arcane runes cover the adamantine weapon. -Secondary Armament: A blackened orb, roiling as if filled with a black mist. Glamoured to look like a normal spell book. -Inventory Items: - A bag that seems to hold what seems infinite supply of books, both of magical knowledge and actual spell books, as well as his other trinkets. - A small flask that seems to hold an unending supply of water. - A torch that never burns out, an everlasting flame. - A set of robes that when arcane words are spoken can change form in the way of glamour. -Coin Purse: 330 Gold [/hider]