[hider=Gui B'oh][center][h1][color=7bcdc8]Captain Gui B'oh[/color][/h1]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Gui B'oh[/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color]

[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Force Sensitive/Alignment} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Yes, no alignment or training.[/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]As pictured above, of course.  Worth noting: stands at five feet ten inches(about 1.8 meters) and weighs in at 180 pounds(about 82 kilograms).[/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color]
Her old Wet Weather(or, “mudtrooper”) armor, though it’s been repainted and she doesn’t usually wear all of it.
A hooded poncho, olive green in color, fireproof and chemproof.  Standard issue for Nautolan stormtroopers, who could not wear a normal helmet. 
Nautolan Stormtrooper face mask.
Westar 55 Heavy Blaster

[i]Defender[/i] Class Light Corvette, the [i]Jade Minnow[/i].  A Clone War era Republic ship.
-She has the usual supplies of anyone who is traveling and living out of their ship; food, data pad and communication equipment, fully furnished bunk and common rooms.  
-A weapons cabinet contains 3 E22 blaster rifles, an E11 an SX-21 scatterblaster and a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle. 
-Her personal quarters have a blacked out saltwater tank in lieu of a bed.  
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Physical Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Amphibious,and obviously a very fast swimmer.
Cartilaginous skeletal system is very resistant to blunt force. 
Multiple hearts, which can function separately if necessary. 
Head-tresses are extremely sensitive to chemical changes. They work best under water, but do still function in the air. 

Expert marksman.
Basic close combat training.
Capable pilot, though never in a star fighter.
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Force Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Minor precognition, she believes she simply has quick reflexes.[/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Functions best in the water, she's a little slow on land.
Head-tresses are a double edged sword, as they are extremely sensitive to chemical attacks, or even acid rain or polluted air on industrial planets.[/indent]

[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Mercurial and closed off, Gui does not form attachments easily(she would say "at all" if asked) and is prone to abandoning causes and jobs she has lost interest in. She can be ruthless when it suits her purpose, but is never needlessly cruel. Her allegiance is easy to buy, but hard to truly earn.
On more positive notes: she is diplomatic and easy to get along with when one is sided with her. She makes a point not to work for or with tyrannical regimes since leaving the Empire. She values freedom, and is a staunch supporter of [/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Glee Anselm, worked in her youth for her family's fishing export company.[/indent]
[color=7bcdc8][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]The B'oh family owns a fishery on Glee Anselm. A great-uncle of hers left her his freighter when he died, and it was expected that she would join the company as a captain. With a ship under her sole ownership and control, she instead left entirely. She tried her hand as a private contractor for freight transport(often translated as "smuggler"), but quickly ran her business into the ground. 
When she was no longer able to afford fuel, Gui grounded her vessel on Ord Mantell and walked basically across the street to an Imperial Academy recruiting office. She was twenty years old.  
A lot of Gui's service as a Stormtrooper is a blur to her.  Like many of her kind, she put in for Coastal Defence duty.  And like most, she usually ended up somewhere else entirely.  She was stuck in a cycle of fighting, bleeding, and killing for the Empire, receiving meaningless awards, and then being shunted to the next battleground.

Her last duty was a reasonably easy, if not entirely pleasant station on Quantxi.  She was a part of the guard duty surrounding a handful of Navy engineers who were scouting scrapyards for hardware that could be put back to use.  Already disenchanted and on the edge of desertion, Gui took her chance with two fellow troopers and one of the engineers when they discovered a mostly intact [i]Defender[/i] class ship.  It had been sitting for years, hidden among less interesting scrap.  Under the engineer’s guidance, they got the ship running enough to ditch the planet, and flee Empire space.  

The four took to mercenary work, and were quite successful for a time.  It fell apart as, one by one, the crew tired of self imposed exile, and left to try to start a new life back home. Gui doesn’t know what happened to any of them, but vindictively hopes that they were arrested for desertion when they returned to Empire space.  

As of now, Gui is more or less alone with the [i]Jade Minnow[/i].  Whenever she picks up a job, she grabs some crew to help her out, fully intending for the arrangement to be temporary. 

EDIT: I suppose I should tag as WIP.  There's still some additions and tweaks to make, but I wanted to get the basic out there so that Alfhadi can tell me if anything doesn't jive with the current galaxy.