[@Alfhedil] Alright. One more question, what's the status of the Kuat Shipyards? As in what allegiance?

My idea is having a unit of clones serving as an active battlegroup with their Jedi General, with a large percentage of them having survived due to them having been assigned near the border of the Unknown Regions.

Their Command Ship is somewhat of a prototype that would have come before the Imperial Super Star Destroyers had things gone as they would have in the main continuity. The "Verigator" Class Republic Battleship.

[hider=Verigator Design]
It's a Fanon Design, though sticks very close to what was available in Lore. Designed based off of older Mandalorian Battle Cruisers and obviously the Venator-class Destroyer. Can be balanced to whatever would fit, though I figured it could work with the group of Jedi aligned with the Mandalorians. Info about it (from EaW FoC Clone Wars Mod) states it was designed by Kuat with the inspiration above.