
[color=cfff04]”Wouldn’t ‘Mr Thicc’ have beren a better name?”[/color]

[color=888888]— Tonya “Mac” Murphy[/color]

[hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy]
[b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity
Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai
Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Overcity Shift Mystic Artifact

Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta
Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b]

STR: 05 | AGI: 04 |  VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03

STR: 10 | AGI: 08 |  VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05

Earnings this post: Zilch

Total: 6 Gold, 111 Silver, 120 Bronze

Hah, he was a dinomancer! 

It had been a good while since Mac had set foot in a museum. As a child, her parents took her to nearly every single one in Penrose, Seeing the bones of some long extinct animal or what remained of an ancient indian’s clothes was enough to get her creative juices flowing. She didn’t remember reading any of the bronze placards, It was far more fun to imagine what life was like for these people/creatures than to have it all revealed to her. Though at some point her interests must have shifted, for what was a police officer but a pursuer of truth? 

It was a little sad, really. Museums brought joy to a lot of young kids, and now she’d have to choose between destroying some of the oldest fossils in the world, or letting this litch continue to live. So long as human lives were in the balance, it was hardly a question.



[color=#bd71e8]“Defy me at your peril.”[/color]

[color=888888]— Vermilion Veronica[/color][/center]

The particular book that Veronica held was linked to Binky’s memories. Since Binky was spirited away with the rest of the girls over the vacation, there wasn’t much catching up to do. But there were a lot of alerts shortly after arriving back in Penrose, which piqued her interest.

Much like Veronica had anticipated, the Ascendancy didn’t care for how new Beacon operated. Binky had been taken out of the lab and locked away in a cell. It would not surprise Veronica if the same happened to other Beacon girls. Getting back in touch with Sylvia would prove to be difficult, regardless of her fate. Veronica would love to improve her standing by sending her agents to help out, But it was a risky move with her forces spread so thin. At present, Tetrad was fighting a necromancer, and Sil was-


With everything going on, her top agent was screwing around with some [i]bottom feeder[/i], even after a fellow agent requested assistance. It was not entirely her fault. Sil was the one that was attacked, but that hardly mattered. Silhouette was choosing to drag out a random skirmish that didn’t pertain to any of veronica’s objectives. Sil would receive a transmission shortly.

[i][color=#bd71e8]“Sam? What are you doing?”[/color][/i] If Silhouette wasn’t so occupied, she might have been able to respond. But she didn’t have to. Veronica was well aware of the situation. [i][color=#bd71e8]“I have a lot of work for you. Wrap this up quickly so that we can begin running missions in earnest.”[/color][/i]




[b]“I say, let’s play chicken.”[/b]

[color=888888]— Billy[/color][/center]

[@ERode][@PlatinumSkink][@FamishedPants][@Crusader Lord]

[b]“I say, I say, after your declaration, I was expecting a bit more-”[/b] peppered the street with a salvo of cannonballs, with complete disregard for the road. She’d hit the pavement, cave in a convertible, and flatten a post office box, but none of her shots would hit Billy. What he couldn’t steer out of the way of was batted away with his sword. In one instance, he just tipped his head to allow one of the cannonballs to fly over his shoulder. As Billy came closer to Hilaria, Sophia was forced to stop firing on him or risk hitting her.

The army truck did not fair as well. One of Sophia’s shots slammed into the grill, forcing the nose of the vehicle into the ground. The back of the vehicle acted like a catapult and flung the riding ghouls into the air. They were decked out in military garb and held a variety of martial weapons. Rocket launchers, machine guns, one even had an AA-12 automatic shotgun. The incoming cannonballs were knocking them out of the air, but that didn’t stop them from firing at everything they could see.

That was when Hilaria decided to become a traffic bollard. Billy gravely underestimated how durable the magical girl was, and he didn’t have his seat belt on. The impact caused the rear end of the car to buck, catapulting Billy over her. This allowed Amaryllis to close the distance and test her might against the herculean lich. But it became clear that as soon as their weapons came together that Billy had become [b]much[/b] stronger after his death. Not only that, but Billy was still being carried by the momentum of the unholy car he was riding in. Amaryllis's hop up didn't give her the same level of kinetic energy. [b]“I say, I say, after your declaration, I was expecting somethin' a bit more-”[/b] The two smashed through the hull of Sophia's ship before they both rolled to their feet. [b]“Elegant.”[/b] Billy finished before brandishing his weapon. Before the two sword fighters could resume their duel, Billy jumped. The ship could barely contain a creature of his size, and it broke apart as he soared through the ceiling. His outstretched hand reached for Sophia through the dock. [b]“Captain, you're going down with the ship!”[/b]

Meanwhile, When the police car slammed into the portal-wall, it blew the front fenders. What was revealed underneath was not your standard car chassis. A fleshy mass with bony spines and eyes looked out from the new holes in its paneling. This wasn’t a police car, it was monster hiding inside of one. With a demonic bellow, the grill opened up to reveal a maw before charging after the harpy. Eli’s shots easily dispatched the ghouls, but she’d need to stay on her toes to avoid the monster car.

Mariette was able to escape to the fire truck. It seemed the floor the ladder was aimed at was filled with bystandards. Normal humans who had no idea what was coming to claim them. Mariette was able to find and crush many of the ghouls, but they greatly outnumbered her and would take time to slay. A group towards the back had taken a fire hose and aimed it at her. It took five of them to hold it steady, but they managed to fire the hose in Mariette’s direction. 



[b]“OM NOM NOM NOM!”[/b]

[color=888888]— Lupa[/color][/center]


Lupa arrived at the scene as soon as Emily’s fireball struck a ghost. [b]“So they do have corporal forms.”[/b] This was important, as her desire to kill at this point was impossible to resist. She dove head first into the specters and started swinging, cleaving them by the dozen. 

Even though her bloodlust had nearly taken over her mind, she was aware that the ghosts were responding to the lich’s music. Perhaps as an experiment, or maybe just to make her prey more fun to fight, she used her sound magic to amplify her wild laughter. Anyone nearby would undoubtedly hear her voice drown out whatever the lich was playing. Lupa also chose to not stray too far inside the mob of ghosts. She moved in a wide zig-zag pattern, trying to keep the opening as wide as possible without getting surrounded. Feral didn’t want the hunt to end prematurely. If the Endsinger was providing this dark banquet, Lupa would snuff her out last. 


[b]“Let there be silence.”[/b]

[color=888888]— Vermin Killer[/color][/center]

Shion would stop getting reports from some of her clones. Some were even interrupted mid sentence as they reported on the area around Endsinger. Oddly, the clones watching the other two battles and the shop were unharmed and did not report any suspicious activity. 



[color=tomato]“Where were you!?”[/color]

[color=PeachPuff]“Retconning at the shop, why do you ask?”[/color]

[color=888888]— Su Fang & Mika Sarraf[/color][/center]

Su accepted the friendship stone from Helga and purchased the Dragon Pendant from the greedy warmonger. She wasn’t especially worried about being hit, but the pendant resonated with her. [color=PeachPuff]“Dragon Scale?”[/color] It shared the name of the creature Su wanted to emulate most as well as that of “shining scale,” Su’s former master. Dragons were often revered for their strength, but it was often their ability to destroy that was celebrated rather than their nigh immortality. Though that was perhaps the part of being a dragon Su wanted to emulate most, which was why she ended up accepting the trinket. She looped the pendant around her neck and observed it in a mirror. It was a piece of jade carved into two serpentine dragons in an eternal chase.

That was not the only item that caught Su’s eye. She spotted a staff over by the weapons. There was nothing remarkable about the stick’s appearance. It was just a bamboo staff with a black stripe that wound from end to end. Normally Su would not have given the weapon a second glance, but this item also resonated with her. When she raised her hand, a gust of wind brought it to her side. As a connoisseur of everything oriental, she could appreciate the craftsmanship of such a weapon. More over, she could feel the weapon reaching into her. The staff wanted to take in all of the emotions she was feeling right now. This did not alarm Su, and instead made her felt like the weapon belonged to her. She sighed when she realized she wasn’t going to leave without it. [color=PeachPuff]“I’m taking this too.”[/color] She tossed some more money at the warmonger before rushing out the door, sufficiently armed to save Mika.

[b]Acquired Swag[/b]
Dragon Scale Pendant
Ether Staff
walkie-talkie stone

2 gold, 4 silver, 10 bronze 



Once the boney man fled the scene, Mika attempted to use her healing artifact to help the wounded pedestrians. 

[color=tomato]“Get up, get up!”[/color]

Before Mika gave entirely into her panic, Su descended from the sky. Her new staff floated behind her back. [color=PeachPuff]“Are you alright?”[/color] Mika only whimpered in response. Su could tell she was distraught over what happened to the bystanders. They had a blank look in their eyes, and they seemed to be unmoving. She took one of their hands into her own and felt their wrist for a pulse. [color=PeachPuff]“They’re alive Mika. They’re just in shock because they had a near-death experience. I’m sure our presence isn’t helping.”[/color] Su waited for the girl’s eyes to focus on her before pulling Mika to her feet. [color=PeachPuff]“Take a moment to gather yourself and meet me at the museum.”[/color] 

[color=tomato]“Wait, there’s a museum?”[/color] Mika’s smile returned. [color=tomato]“I always wanted to go with you! Are there dinosaurs?”[/color]

Su blinked at Mika’s swift rebound, then smiled when she remembered who she was dealing with. [color=PeachPuff]“Let’s find out together. Just keep yourself safe.”[/color] 

They wouldn’t have to go far before being greeted by a quarto of undead lizzards (birds?). 

[color=tomato]“Man, they’re big… But I’ve got an idea!”[/color] Mika grew a bunch of crab legs and scaled one of the buildings. [color=tomato]“Cover me! I’m gunna open a portal to the beach dimension on the roof!”[/color]

Su didn’t understand what Mika was planning, but at least she was safe. While there were a lot of monsters about, the one that posed the most immediate threat to the magical girls on the roof was the pterodactyl. Fortunately, this was also the one that Su was best equipped to deal with. The hotel manager created a vacuum chamber around the prehistoric creature. Wings only worked because they could help move air around, so Su reasoned that an air free environment should knock the creature out of the sky. Should that not work, collapsing the vacuum on it should at least damage it.


[color=75c159]”Triplets? Clearly I’ve stepped into a turbo lesbian love fantasy.”[/color]

[color=888888]— Tetrad[/color][/center]

Tetrad didn’t relax her stance, but she grinned at the triplet that addressed her. [color=75c159]”Yea, all according to plan.”[/color] It wasn’t, actually. Tetrad had little faith in her weapon when it wasn’t backed by magic, but it seemed like the zombies were weaker than she anticipated. [color=75c159]”I’m Tetrad, by the way.”[/color] She spoke while Tossing a tarot card at each of them. They seemed to be strength reliant, so she blessed them with the suit of swords. [color=75c159]”I’m new to the area, but all the same you don’t look like locals.”[/color] Tetrad tossed a blue card at the damaged girl to heal away some of the damage she sustained. [color=75c159]”Oh, and ‘scuse me!”[/color] Tetrad tossed another blue card, but this one was aimed between two of the girls. Once it cleared them, it transformed into a tiny spinning scythe that cut through everything it touched. Even the thick blubber of an ogre was no match for a blue bipartisan attack*. [color=75c159]”Damn I’m good!”[/color] Tetrad raised her hand, and a few more cards flew into her hand. She looked at one of them and her grin grew even wider. [color=75c159]”Damn I’m [i]really[/i] good!”[/color]

*[sup][sup]I’ve been wrong before.[/sup][/sup]