[b]Lexianna[/b] I frown. I had really hoped to perhaps talk to the children before attacking but maybe this is the most efficient way. I don't do things with the same instant fighting energy Baruss does. I plant my scythe and the winds starts churning. The nearest Hands are swept in the current. The wind dies down nearly as suddenly as it started but instead of hitting hard unforgiving earth on the way down, the swept children fall right into a light barrier. I wince as Baruss crashes headlong into the Hands he's engaged. I know the Hands are resilient but it doesn't mean they're impervious to pain. If it were up to me, each child would come home with me. I twist the wedding ring on my finger. Now what would Galen say to that? [b]The First Lotus[/b] This has not set well with Lilianna. I know why. This answer will not appease the Current Lotus. I dare say it will shatter her heart. It might even force her hand into a fight with him all over again. The Current is so rife with raw emotion. However my future self is not my concern, Lilianna is. She's doing an admirable job of reigning in her emotions but I can tell her resolve is faltering, I can see it by the change in her aura. Her hand twitches as if she's going to pull one of Galen's guns and shoot Zaakilio on the spot. I'll have to intervene. Right when I'm poised to do just that something appears that freezes us both. Sin. Although I'm unsure another Lotus has honestly given it thought; each of us has a "one-in-particular" as I've deemed to call it. A part of Zaakilio that we have a deep connection to. For the Current it was Alastair. For me, my one-in-particular is Sin. He's dutiful and duty is why I'm here. He's honor bound just as my title makes me. Seeing him reminds me how close I use to be with this man. How deeply I trusted him. It's Lilianna who speaks and breaks the spell seeing his likeness has cast on me. "What in Hades' Gate was Uncle Sin doing here?"