
[b]”You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.”[/b]

[color=888888]— Nuncio[/color][/center]

Nuncio had to leave the shop when Brittany closed up. He thought that she would just rub her crystal ball or something to get some information, but it seemed that she had something else in mind. Perhaps it was best that Nuncio wasn't present as she continued her search. 

Regardless, he was a magical boy. The monsters weren't going to stop attacking just because Sammy was missing. He headed off towards one of the Lich conflicts. Or more specifically, the sound of cars racing.  



[b]“Beyond Level 5.”[/b]

[color=888888]— Vermin Killer[/color][/center]

More of Shion's clones would stop giving out reports, always the ones closest to her position. 

The owl's head crashed into the pavement before bouncing and landing on it's feet. It let out a ""hoo" before wobbling side to side and flying back into the air. The owls had to be protected by magic, if they weren't otherworldly beings in disguise. 

But the owls were the least of Shion and Ko's woes now. A murder of crows arrived, and they perched everywhere from the tops of buildings to windowsills. Some were even bold enough to land on the ground. At the very least there had to be two dozen, possibly more.

[b]"I wonder if your furry friend can take on all of those, or if she plans on letting her lackey do that. She's certainly paying you enough for that, right?"[/b] His voice was close, too close. [b]"Oh yea, we haven't introduced ourselves yet."[/b] Even with all the birds around, his steps were the only thing Shion could hear. [b]"I'm obliged to your clones, They were an entertaining distraction."[/b] Sarcasm was practically drip from his lips. [b]"I should be grateful."[/b] He had to be right behind her now. she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. [b]"I'm Vermin Slayer."[/b] He said before leaning closer. [b]“Nice to meet [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUBQ4qvtLlc]ya[/url].”[/b]