[center][h2][b][u][color=#ff8080]Talik Gida | Korriban | Temple Exterior[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center]

As she made her way out of the temple, the lethan twi'lek's mind wandered to a morbid curiosity about how the students at the academy would handle the test planned for that day. If any would prove to become one of Mara's favorites, or particularly provoke her ire by making an idiot of themselves during the upcoming struggle. Certainly this would be no leisurely walk through the park for the students, she had helped ensure that much at least. As she thought on these matters, the girl did cast a slight look towards the gathered students waiting for the test, sizing some of them up to see if any showed promise just from looks. 

Yet, the twi'lek was unable to gauge based off mere impressions from a look as she left the temple. The girl had been in there for a decent amount of time each day since she had been asked to help with this test by the overseers. Exploring, getting to know the temple, and... enhancing the area a bit for their trial. Work which had taken all the way until a few mere moments ago to finish off. On her way out of the temple, the girl had noticed Mara heading into the temple and made a mental note of where the woman was heading. Just in case there was another angle to this test that she hadn't been expecting nor told about. 

Taking a place near the other volunteers that were waiting, the lethan gave not a hint of emotion or a greeting towards the others. Instead, her harsh amber eyes scanned over the iniates. Of course, she would not have minded introductions or the likes with her fellow volunteers. Yet now was not the time for such pleasantries, as she felt there was no need to show such a side in front of the iniates. While waiting for whatever came next, the girl gently thumbed the hilt to one of the two practice sabers she had brought with her. Thinking about where in the tomb she wanted to take up residency to prevent the students from accomplishing their goal.