[quote=@Multifarious] *Before long, the entirety of the space it occupies is surrounded by normal space and then some, and I reemerge from the cockpit with the sphere from a moment ago* Our goal is to get it into this. Can you manage shrinking the space down to that degree? [/quote] *Breathes in deeply and breathes out a swirling mist of light and shadow; the light flows out of my body and my eyes darken* This will be the greatest test of my new ability--but I believe I can. *The tendrils from my coat thread down to the machine and act as the conduits for my energy as I rise into the air; the ship becomes translucent so that we all look into the storm; I stretch out my arms to either side of me and a brilliant white aura forms around my body, brightest across my arms* Bend. *The storm begins to slow in turning as its flow of time and space lengthen and it starts to contract* [quote=@Nimda] *Duplicates of myself pop in and out around the ship along with several disembodied bloodshot eyes with red irises* [/quote] *I look toward one of you sharply* Go. My soul will follow you. *Light pulses from my chest and shoots into the space around the storm, leaving a trail of light as it runs around the storm in rings, searching for any trace of Violet's soul*