Great and Powerful, I like the sound of that. Just a quick note, it may not have been clear in my post but I intend on the group to work like it does in Origins. I'm the Warden Commander so I'll be leading us around but I want us to interact and decide things as a team, not just me making you guys do stuff. As to your question, Giru. If you make a Dwarf Character I'll explain a few things about what's going on underground via PM to you and anybody else who plays a dwarf but I'd rather not let elves and men know about it all right away. As for the Lyrium trade, it still exists. Orzammar is the only place in the deep roads that is being intentionally blocked, the Darkspawn block most other areas but so long as you can get in you can mine Lyrium. Trade in Ferelden would have been crippled though. It does sound cool to think of encountering a Lyrium black market however, maybe that could be how we earn the assistance of the Templars? EDIT: I will do the same for the Dalish as I will the Dwarves. I'll release a bit of info but otherwise message the members of that race most of the details I came up with.