[u][b]Ettamri, Renauld, Argen, Oscar, Katya – The Breakfast Club[/b][/u] Relieved and clean, Katya shoved the chamberpot back into the corner of the room, putting the lid back on. She shrugged on her shoes, hefted her staff up, and strode on out of the room, casting a final “Goodbye, Siwon” as she did. The Fiend Knight was either still asleep or simply didn’t deign to respond, laying there in bed silently. Outside, after gravitating towards the smell of food and the crackling of fire, the blue-haired priest found the cafeteria where everyone else was. Oscar sat looking gloomy, Ettamri sat looking not-gloomy, Argen stood like Argen, and Renauld did what Renauld always did: exist. [b]“Wow,”[/b] she remarked, looking at their already-empty table, [b]“you guys eat fast! That’s not good for your tummy, you know?”[/b] Maybe they were just hungry though, and wolfed it down so fast they ate the wood of the utensils too? Her own stomach growled, Katya’s entire body feeling much more empty now, and she soon lined up behind the guards, reaching the front of the line after a couple minutes. Katya looked the soup-dispensing woman in the eye, and the woman did the same, before she realized that they were the same height. No, not only the same height, but, based off the proportions and how their shoulders were placed in relation to their heads…the woman was [i]shorter[/i] than her? Was she…standing on a stool behind that counter? A smug grin formed on Katya’s face, and she received the bowl of soup and the bread bun with all the grace of someone who had finally met someone shorter than herself. [b]“Washboard,”[/b] muttered the serving lady. The baker in the back of the kitchen chortled, only to get kicked in the knee. Katya stuck her tongue out at her, not fully comprehending the insult, and skipped back to the others. Seating herself between Oscar and Ettamri, the priest daintily demonstrated the proper way of eating, sending a silent prayer off to Ain-Mala, and then slowly eating the simple, but tasty meal before her. Every bite was to be relished, every chunk to be chewed. Compared to the potato skin soup that she usually ended up eating back in the Church of First Light, this was simply [i]divine[/i]. [b]“By the by,”[/b] she asked, cheeks stuffed with food, [b]“Where’s Muu?”[/b] [u][b]Muu - The Good Doctor[/b][/u] As Muu barraged the crow-man with questions, he proceeded with more of his administrations, taking her opening of her mouth as consent to continue with his practice. His powerful hand pressed against the sides of her mouth once more, before the wooden tongs in the man’s spare hand grabbed onto her tongue, moving it this way and that while the crow-man himself had to tilt his head in disturbing manners in order to get a good look at whatever was inside. Three minutes passed before he relinquished his grip upon her face once more, going back to the task of mixing strange liquids together. [b]“Call me Ziint. You’re in Fort Stalwart. Your group is here as well. Your gear is also here. You don’t need rest, but you need more medication. The cost is…yes, tell me how effective it is later.”[/b] Swirling a new, bubbling concoction in front of one of his lenses, the man nodded once with approval, before transferring it into a slimmer, wooden container with a surface that glistened in the daylight. He put on a pair of leather gloves, cracked his wrists a couple of times, before gesturing once more towards Muu. [b]“Alright, lie on your stomach,”[/b] he instructed, toneless as a golem. [b]“This one goes in your rectum.”[/b]