[hider=Liam][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/no-game-no-life/images/1/1b/Sora_%281%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20170323163130[/img][/hider] [color=Green]Ahh. Thanksgivings Day. It’s that time again already, eh?[/color] Liam finds himself once more out of the house, taking the time to casually stroll through the streets, seeing what’s going on. Maybe find some special thanksgivings day deals at the stores. Well, those that kept themselves open that day at least. He watched as several people passed by with various decorations, putting the finishing touches for the parade coming later that day no doubt. While the parade was certainly quite the spectacle every year, Liam had found himself a bit solemn about it since the passing of his family. Hard to find yourself in a thankful attitude when that thought crosses his mind. This was probably his first time since then that he even went out on Thanksgiving. Flashes of memories from his younger self popped up as he looked around. The one where he stood between his parents, his little self holding there hands and shaking in glee as he watched the colorful floats pass by. Such good memories they were… Liam shakes his head a little, pulling himself out of his sad reminiscing. A small, bitter smile comes to him as he sighs. [color=Green]Keep it together Liam… You’ll get through this.[/color]