[color=0076a3][center][h1]Walter Garbury
Shinto, Town proper[/h1][/center][/color]

Walter really didn't know how to do incognito. All he had done to disguise himself from his usual attire was to take his blue jacket off, not even replacing it or taking off the matching hat. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh as he kept to the shadows. Back at base, he had left the golems to defend the base, on alert and if anything happened to them he'd be able to sense it and would be able to get back as quickly as possible. Shinto wasn't too far away from the harbor, hence why he had chosen this place to figure out if they could find any other masters and servants. 

A sudden yelp would be heard by anyone roaming the streets, as Walter did a little jump as he felt the message and flares, both announcing the war was actually afoot. He took a moment to catch his breath and assessed the situation. The Academy was where he felt one invitation for a brawl and there was another at Fuyuki Park. He gulped as he felt his heart drop. Chaos was already going to be filling the streets tonight, at least two other Masters were on the prowl for blood and he was out of the base with Assassin.

Speaking of Assassin. he turned a corner and a bright smile washed over his face as he spotted her in disguise, walking over slowly with a smile, looking around himself idly. He sat next to her, staying just a bit apart so he didn't accidentally poison himself.

[b][color=0076a3]"Hey. Just got here, did you feel those messages too?"[/color][/b] He squirmed a little as he thought about his next move. [b][color=0076a3]"I say if we don't know exactly where everyone is, I say you go to the park and see if we can spot anyone going there, kinda work out the competition y'know? Figure out who we're up against, maybe even follow them and figure out their bases?"[/color][/b]

he got up and dusted himself off. Motioning for her to follow him as he made for the bridge. [b][color=0076a3]"let's cross over, and well...shit, go to the park, stay undetected and figure this whole thing out. See any moments to swoop in, be my guest I guess"[/color][/b] He rubbed his temple and nodded to her, leading the way.

[@Seirei No Hai]

Saber of the Peach
Commerce District, Commercial office[/h1][/center][/color]

Legend told of the heroic boy, Momotaro. He went on a journey by himself, a sole mission to save his people from the tyrannical Oni and steal their treasure. His world was small, his story was small. Yet his influence and his memory. Even in death, he could feel how people remembered him. Was he real? as he but a myth? Who cared, all that mattered was that people loved him and celebrated him throughout the centuries, he was a hero in the eyes of the people and that warmed his little peach heart.

Before the brave detective, mist swirled and lights flashed before finally, the mist separated and a figure stood there proudly, a silhouette that slowly morphed into that of a proud warrior. Barely standing at 5'3, Saber blinked a few times, confused as to the nature of how his master was addressing him. His robe brushed against the floor as he tapped his feet on the floor, testing it out before his eyes lit up. 

[b][color=f6989d]"Japan! Sunrise Kingdom!"[/color][/b] He announced loudly with a bright grin, adjusting his tie in his hair before walking over to him and peering at him with a bright grin. [b][color=f6989d]"Apologies! Where are my manners, my honor is lacking! Momotaro! Firstborn of the peach, of the saber class! You must be my Master! Tell me! What is your goal in this so-called war Master!"[/color][/b] A bright grin washed over him as he bowed, before holding his hand out. [b][color=f6989d]"And you are?"[/color][/b]

The familiar smells and atmosphere around him made him really comfortable, this was where he belonged, and this detective had given him another chance to enjoy the land once more.
