Zaak I walk into the club and into the back. The First and Li are following. Lilianna still mistrustful of me. But that doesn't matter. I will ensure that she succeeds where I failed. I have to believe that. It's all that I have left. I couldn't see any of myself in that boy. He never doubted himself. He moved like providence and spoke like fate. His every breath was proof of destiny. But he turned his back on the people. He made no move to aid them. He offered no comfort or solace to people who suffered in his world. He made no plan to change the world to accommodate. He merely strode forward. Gaze fixed on some unfathomable goal. Where was it he was going? To what end did he strive? No matter how much I gaze there is no answer. Was he merely striving for nothing? Was there no meaning in his battle? I cannot fathom such an existence. No. I cannot abide such an existence. I'm sure he felt the same of me.