So my Thor CS appears to have disappeared. So I guess I'll just leave this here.

[Hider=Fastest there is.][CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R   C O N C E P T   P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=yellow][b]T H E   F L A S H[/b][/color][/h1][hr]
[img][/img][h3][sup][sub][color=orange]I R I S   W E S T  [color=yellow]♦[/color]   R E P O R T E R   [color=yellow]♦[/color]   C E N T R A L   C I T Y   [color=yellow]♦[/color]   C E N T R A L   C I T Y   N E W S[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3]
[/CENTER][COLOR=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR]
[CENTER][sup][color=yellow]"I’m not one of the fastest, I’m [i]the[/i] fastest."[/color][/sup][/CENTER]
[INDENT][INDENT][i]There is one important difference I need to point out, just in case you haven’t noticed it yet. Iris West was the one hit by lightning, not Barry Allen. On that fateful night where Barry Allen was meant to get struck by lightning he wasn’t present, instead Iris West was in his lab that night, aiming to surprise him with what would have been their first date. The lightning struck as intended, the chemicals spilled forth on the occupant of the lab turning them into the avatar of the Speed Force.

History Changed, the future changed. There would be a new speedster. Iris hasn’t been the Flash for long, in fact it has been so-not-long that she doesn’t even have a widely acknowledged Superhero alias. This is largely in part due to her not sticking around, one minute someone is standing staring down the barrel of the gun and the next thing the mugger is in the back of a police cruiser. Barry, as her resident science man who made her suit, built her earpieces and practically did everything to make her a hero has taken to calling her the [b]Flash[/b] after the fabled propaganda piece hero from the Second World War.

Meanwhile, she tries to keep this life secret from her father who wouldn’t even allow her to join the CCPD fearing that it was too dangerous. Juggling a double life is hard, and with news of the criminal element off Central City changing with the times. Will she be ready for the test?[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   M O T I V A T I O N S   &   G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Iris Flash is honestly one of the favourite characters I ever had the pleasure of writing. Her entire creation was because I was making a character for UoU, wanted to make the Flash and [@Lord Wraith] made a joke about making the Flash female. Iris is quite different from Barry. She doesn’t have the death of a loved one motivating her, unlike Barry, nor the loom over her head that she remembers a flash of lightning killing her mother, unlike Barry. While she now believes Barrys story it motivates her in a different way, Barry pushes her to be faster, stronger, in the hope that she will help find out what happened to his mother the night she was killed.

My goal for Iris is to re-write the Reverse Flash storyline, which was her opening season in UoU as in parts I feel like it was rushed and there was a lot of stuff I would do a lot better. She’ll grow as a hero, and as a person as she comes into her own as a hero to finally realise who she is.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][hider=NPCs]
William West - Her father, and rolemodel. William is a police officer in CCPD, and was formerly in the Army until his wife passed away from a drug overdose.

Barry Allen - Barry has been in her life forever, and sometimes she thinks there is a spark there. He's been through some hard times, and so has she and they've always been there for eachother. Most recently they both got his dad released from prison. He's a CSI with CCPD, the best they have (Despite always being late). While Iris has the help of Harrison Wells she relies on Barry for his scientific and investigatory knowhow, somehow he has a unique approach and understanding to her speed that she really needs.

Henry Allen - Henry Allen is Barry Allens dad. For most of his life he was imprisoned for killing his wife, Nora Allen. Recently Barry uncovered evidence that Henry was innocent and subsequently Henry Allen was freed and cleared of all charges. He's been living with Barry until he can get his life back on track.

Harrison Wells - Harrison Wells was the first to learn about Iris' identity as the Flash. Known as the 'smartest man in central city' Iris' father brought him in to help her when she was hit by lightning. With Barry Allen they are working to understand and hone her powers.

Rogues so far:

Weather Wizard: Weather Wizard was the first foe she faced, Mark Handon. He used a piece of technology in order to rob banks and other establishments. Currently residing in Iron Heights penitentiary.

Trickster: The Trickster is actually the second iteration, and despite foiling his plans at destorying much of the city in what would be a 'trick' Iris has been unable to catch the Trickster and put him away for good.

Heatwave: Pyromaniac, currently behind bars for burning down a bar after a bar fight.[/hider][/indent][/indent]

Iris stood at the edge of the building in her suit. She felt silly, to put it simply. Her hood was currently down, the red and yellow a stark contrast to the rest of the city. If anyone had seen her they probably would have thought she was some form of Iron Man fangirl with a lightning fetish. She turned to face Barry who stood with a tablet in his hand, he was going over all kinds of data that her suit was giving him. Behind him loomed the elusive Harrison Wells, the scientist from Star Labs that had saved her when she had been hit by lightning. [color=yellow]”So, is it ready yet?”[/color]

Barry went to speak but Harrison cut him off. [color=orangered]”Not quite yet. You realise this is a brand new suit? It will take time to get it right, there’s a lot of sensors and stuff built in so we can keep an eye on you while you’re running.”[/color]

[color=orange]”It’ll just be a second Iris.”[/color] Iris flashed a smile at her friend, was he blushing? She shook her head as she looked out at the city. Sirens sounded in the distance, the wind pushed her gently as the sound of the city echoed below her. Suddenly there was an explosion in the distance, she turned back to Barry and Harrison who just looked at each other. [color=orange]”Go.”[/color]

Without so much of a second thought she pulled her cowl up over her head, the visor covering her eyes, the material distorting her eyes so that it would make it hard to recognise her from her eyes and nose. She ran towards the edge of the building, her heart lurching as she started to run down the building. Each footfall barely lasted milliseconds before it lifted again. Reaching the bottom of the building she jumped and carried her momentum as she ran down the road. Between cars she dodged and she weaved, wind pounding against her skin and yet she barely felt it. She powered down the street, pushing on as she heard Barry speak through her headset. Cursing herself for losing focus again she focused on the voice, centring herself. Slowing herself down, she tapped the earpiece.

[color=yellow]”Sorry, what was that?”[/color]

[color=orange]”I said. You went straight past it, go back two blocks and take a left.”[/color] Iris silently cursed at herself, sometimes the speed was too much, she just lost herself into it. It was hard to have her mind focused on the perceptions of how fast she was moving, but also try to listen to someone that was speaking painfully slow, at least from her perspective. Turning around just as people started to try and take photos of her she was gone in a flash as she headed off in the right direction. Turning down the correct street, as fire engulfed a significant portion of the street, and in the middle of the street stood a man in a white suit. Large backpack and a flamethrower in his hands.

As soon as he saw her he pointed the weapon in her direction and let loose a blast of flame, before she had so much as a second to try and quip. Turning her body to the left the flame went past her harmlessly, though she could feel the heat. [color=yellow]”I thought you were in prison.”[/color]

The man laughed as he pulled something from his belt with his left hand, clicking it. [color=firebrick]”Ain’t no prison that can hold HEATWAVE!”[/color] He tossed the device towards a crowd of people, and time slowed down.

[COLOR=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T   C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.[/i][/indent][/indent][/hider]