[hider=lions for hands][hr][hr][center][color=FF4500][h1]Leonard Dempsey[/h1][b]Lion Hero: Pride King
Rank 43[/b][/color]

[hider=your character]
[color=FF4500][i]"There is no choice but to talk with our fists! So hear me roar!"[/i][/color][/center]
[indent]Dempsey, Leonard "Leon" Arthur [/indent]


[indent]14 - July 2nd[/indent]


[indent][b]Height:[/b] 5'10[/indent]
[indent][b]Weight:[/b] 189 lbs[/indent]

[indent]Leo is noble and physically overbearing, forgoing pragmatism and acts according to his own impulses. While he is wild and somewhat inconsiderate to others, he is always jovial, values friendship highly, and he holds to a strong 'pride' mentality of which those who he's close to are a part of. When angered, he teeters on a fine line between being a civilized person and wild animal, sometimes letting his feral instincts get the best of him. Also, he lacks near all senses of personal boundaries, there being more than one occasion he goes wherever and whenever he likes.[/indent]

[indent]Let no one ever tell you that Leonard Arthur Dempsey would ever trade his Quirk for someone else's. Never in a million, billion years. But would he admit that growing up with lion cub heads for hands was strange? Maybe but Simba and Aslan were his two best friends and what kid wouldn't want to have their pets go wherever he went. Being born the youngest of a busy family of twelve, Leon was doted on by all his older sisters and mom, getting even more spoiled being the only son after eleven daughters total. He was raised on bedtime stories of heroes, and as a lion the most heroic of beasts it was only natural for him to become a Pro Hero! 

But this new dream wasn't without challenge set in place against Leon, already someone who has to work many times harder than the next kid just for the simple task of picking up a pencil in his hand. Academics was something that'd seem to always put a stopper to his heroic aspirations, why stay at all inside a classroom when all three would rather enjoy lazing about under the warm sun? Despite this he would persevere through, damned pencils and pens and all, and Leon now finds his path leading to New Heights, his first step to becoming a true hero to match his wild nature.[/indent]

[indent]Lion Hands | Mutant - Leon, in place of normal hands, has two sentient lion heads that can act independently of him and each other, like letting out the King of the Jungle's mighty roar! [/indent]

[color=FF4500][b]EXAM REPORT[/b][/color]
[indent]Exam Report: Leon got off to a good, strong start with him taking down a few odd robots before Simba chipped one of his teeth bad on the metal armor of a two-pointer. At which point he ran off impulsively to get him looked at and in the process, running down more than one testee who happened to be in his way. [/indent]
