[i]We're going to make it…[/i] Those were Horace's only thoughts. He had found Fion a disheveled heap within the mound that the witch had so generously pointed him to, but had found absolutely no sign of niece. The boy was unconscious and was showing no signs of coming to soon. Horace was dragging him along, slowly bleeding out from his wound suffered at the prodding of that specter's saber. [i]We-we're going to-[/i] His mind was becoming cloudy -- light -- and nary a coherent sentence could be formed. He collapsed, toppling over the boy he had been carrying for a little over an hour with his gaze centered sky bound. Above circled the witch, and with this sight formed an idea within the man's head: a vulture who hovered over a fresh kill awaiting the carrion. While the feeling of doubt that the witch ate actual bugs came with this idea, the feeling that they were being used more of a simple lure hit him. And the only target he could think of was: "Riley…" ~ The djinn was being belligerent; it was following, but against its will and as far away from the man as possible. The man had tried his magic to try and call forth some more cooperative assistance, but what was proving as a surprise was his difficulty with drawing from a such a limited reserve of mana. It shouldn't have -- he knew that the male body was a very weak conduit for magic in the first place -- but it was perhaps the shock that this wasn't some trans-metamorphosis that he was going through; this was the actual body that her soul was bound to. He had thought of approaching his uncle and friend when first spotting the hobbling shapes from the other side of the crater, but was left with the impression that his new appearance would do more than startle them after seeing what [i]she[/i] had been able to do with his old body. The time spent deliberating on this, arguing with his unwilling companion, and the new sensations of trying to track a bleeding man through a twisting wood after circling an already large crater had already left the man lost and endlessly turned around. "Where is we?" Questioned the djinn as it moved in closer to man's proximity. "I... don't exactly know," admitted the man. The djinn raised a brow at this. "So, we's is lost, yes?" The silence that came from the man confirmed the near-corporeal being's suspicions, but let it drop due to the rising tension in the air. "Do's you feels it too, seely man?" He took a baited breath before answering. "Mana," and of a type that he had only felt come from one being, although that boy's reasons for being out here were lost on the man. Not that it mattered, as he began rushing past the brush and brambles and ignoring any minor cuts and scratches he received before bursting into a clearing. "Araki!" he called through a hoarse, emotion-filled voice.