[center][h1][b][u]The Lifeblood[/u][/b][/h1][/center]


The Lifeblood stirred.

It had felt itself fragment, as new ideas formed. Some were contradictory, while others were complimentary. Either way they had broken free to become their own entities, with physical forms. The Lifeblood did not feel envy or loss at this, for it did not feel at all. It had set out to create, and that is what these beings were doing, so for now their goals were aligned.

That did not mean creation would be left entirely up to them. As the Vegetation One rose from the ground and the Deep One busied itself in Galbar’s newly created water, it turned its attention to the north of the Stone One’s continent. An area that had yet to be touched, except by the one who had created the landmass in the first place. It was almost detached from the rest of the continent, connected only by a tiny strip of land.

The Bright One’s rays were not as strong in this region. It saw the Dark One’s moon more than it saw the Bright One’s sun. Lifeblood began to gather above the area, and the unseen energy exerted its will upon the land. Stone rose up from the ground, forming a vast range of mountains. 

Then, in imitation of the Vegetation One, the Lifeblood began to create life of its own. Grass sprouted over the barren dirt, and among the grass, larger plants rose - herbs, shrubs, bushes… and trees. None of these were like their southern counterparts. The trees were needled rather than leafed. The herbs and shrubs took different appearances, and had different qualities.

Once the entire process was finished, the Lifeblood moved on, feeling neither pride nor disappointment in its work. There was still so much more to be done.


The Lifeblood observes the creation of the other gods, then decides to get back to work by following their examples. It heads over to the north of the First Continent, and creates a mountain range along with a surrounding 

To all the Conceptual Players who are still required to exert their gods' will through the Lifeblood, this post is meant to set the tone of how Lifeblood posts are supposed to feel. If you wish, you can add subtle nods to your gods' personalities. Just remember they do not yet exist as independent entities, and are incapable of speech, and their influence or presence should not be too blatant. If you spend MP as the Lifeblood, it will be drawn from your god's own pool, and you are still entitled to discounts and enhancements.

[hider=Might Summary]
No might has been spent in this post, as all the actions performed during it happen to be free during turn 0.