

Oraelia was deep in thought after her meeting with Enmity. She couldn't truly grasp what he was and it baffled her. So much so that she had retreated all the way to her sun as she racked her brain, trying to come up with some further explanation. She had done this subconsciously and only when she felt it's true warmth did she realize where she had pulled herself too. 

[Color=gold]"Oh… This form is fast."[/color] she muttered to herself, reverting back into her base form. She let herself bask in the sun's light and it felt good. She hadn't realized just how big it was and felt good to visit her firstborn but Enmity still boggles her mind.

[Color=gold]"Enmity… What an anomaly this Enmity. I suppose… If he's on the side of life, he can't be all that bad?"[/color] she spoke aloud to no one. [Color=gold]"Perhaps I could try to… to alleviate his pain. Maybe then he'd become a being of flesh? But I shouldn't force that… That wouldn't be right."[/color] she let out a sigh and looked upon the distant blue orb where she and the others had worked.

It was a beautiful orb and one that needed a name. It was then she realized, she already knew its name. Galbar.

She needed to get back there. To create more, perhaps find Gibbou and show her what she had made. That would be nice.

A stir on her sun, however, pulled her attention back. The hot plasma swirled, concentrated and whitened. The white spot expanded, pulling more of the sun’s surface into it. On Galbar, the sea directly under it heated and boiled.

Oraelia felt her gentle warmth become blistering heat and she looked on in horror as the white spot expanded. She tried to calm her sun, but it was being unruly. Thus she began to panic.

The whirlpool surged up slowly like a bubble. The bright white light and heat reaching a climax. It inflated more and more then finally burst with a scream that made its way around half of the sun’s surface.

From the crucible emerged a woman, panting audibly and with unfocused eyes. Her golden hair and light skin almost blending in with the sun’s background. As soon as she left, Oraelia was able to grasp control of her sun again and once more ushered it back to calm. The blistering heat was no more and then her gaze turned to the newcomer.

Another sibling, a sister.

She floated over to her younger sister. Sensing Oraelia’s approach, the woman turned her head to face her. [color=ed1c24]“Wha…”[/color] Still being dazed from her birth that was all she could voice.

Oraelia instantly knew that it was this one's fault about her sun. There was no malice in her eyes, no anger, just confusion. Oraelia floated before her and smiled warmly. [Color=gold]"Well hello there, sister! Are you well?"[/color] she asked, putting a hand upon her shoulder. 

[color=ed1c24]“Sister…?”[/color] The woman’s vision focused and locked on to Oraelia. Her eyes went wide for a short moment before blinking. [color=ed1c24]“I feel... warm.”[/color] She placed her own hand over the goddess’. [color=ed1c24]“And so do you.”[/color] Her face gained a tinge of color. [color=ed1c24]“Who are you, sister?”[/color]

[Color=gold]"Of course you're warm, sweetheart. You just came from the sun!"[/color] she said with a large smile. [Color=gold]"My name is Oraelia, goddess of Sunlight. What do you call yourself?"[/color]

[color=ed1c24]“I’m…”[/color] The woman thought for a moment. [color=ed1c24]“Evandra… I’m Evandra.”[/color] She looked around her. The sun was mostly a light yellow color with almost no features, and beyond was the blackness of the void. [color=ed1c24]“So this place is the sun.”[/color]

[Color=gold]"Evandra… What a wonderful name! It's so good to meet you!"[/color] she said, wrapping her in a tight hug. Oraelia then pulled away and waved her hand across the void and she said, [color=gold]"Yes indeed but-"[/color] her hand landed on the small blue orb of Galbar.  [Color=gold]"It is not the only thing here. That place is Galbar and we are making it to be beautiful and full of life, Evandra."[/color] she said, looking at her sister with a giddy smile. [Color=gold]"I've created so many animals!"[/color] 

Evandra laid her eyes upon Galbar, the blue and green of its surface filled her vision. She let out a long sigh and stood up. [color=ed1c24]“It looks so…”[/color] Fires sparked to life around her body. [color=ed1c24]“So beautiful!”[/color] The blush on her cheeks deepened. [color=ed1c24]“Who made it? And what are animals?”[/color] She looked back to Oraelia in excitement.

Evandra's excitement, only made Oraelia even happier. She grabbed Evandra's hands within her own, gushed a happy sigh and said, [color=gold]"It was here when I woke up, the planet! And then I made the sun and Gibbou, my twin, and your sister, created the moon and then water came and the boar and the green and then and then i went down and saw the birds and gave them food and I created small furry things with tails and then larger furry things with antlers and hooves and then-"[/color] and she went on and on and told Evandra about everything she created, before ending on the Leons in the Prairie. [Color=gold]"Then I met Enmity and he… He's not like us but he's okay and now we're here!"[/color] she beamed happily.

Evandra took it all in and nodded along the way. Just hearing it from her sister was enough to make her want to see it all for herself. She didn’t care much about the parts regarding Enmity, however. [color=ed1c24]“All of that is on Galbar? I can barely wait.”[/color] Evandra’s giddiness was evident and the fires around her grew ever larger. [color=ed1c24]“Oraelia, you’re lovely, but I have to see Galbar for myself.”[/color]

[Color=gold]"Of course! Everyone should."[/color] she beamed.

Evandra returned the hug from earlier. [color=ed1c24]“I’ll come visit you again.”[/color] She parted from Oraelia, looking at her with a tender smile. [color=ed1c24]“Farewell for now.”[/color]

Oraelia gave her a puzzled look. [Color=gold]"You don't think I live here do you? I'm going back to Galbar too, actually. Much more needs to be created still."[/color]

[color=ed1c24]“Wonderful! Let’s go together then. I don’t know what I can create, but I want to try it myself as well.”[/color]

Oraelia changed back into her domain form, and whizzed around Evandra’s head, giggling. [color=gold]”Come on then!”[/color] she exclaimed happily, before zipping off towards Galbar.

Evandra followed after Oraelia, now as a wisp. At first she fumbled on her flight, but quickly got the hang of it and found herself fast approaching Galbar. More features of the world came into view: clouds, mountains, trees.

Evandra slowed down before she crashed straight into the land and gently touched down on the earth. She looked around, her perception allowed her to see almost the entire island. It was barren, save for a few hills. The ground beneath her caught on fire when she landed, but the absence of any plants prevented it from spreading.

[color=ed1c24]“What a disappointment. There’s nothing here at all.”[/color] The excitement from early had vanished and was replaced by a rather sour expression on Evandra’s face. Oraelia zipped past her, before shooting back around and landing in front of her in her base form. She tilted her head slightly, following Evandra’s gaze before giggling again.

[color=gold]”You picked one spot where no life has yet formed, sister. Go on and create something! Fill it with what you desire!”[/color] she said happily, picking up a rock to examine. 

Evandra stood still for a moment, thinking. She looked around again then picked up a rock as well. Like the ground beneath her, it caught on fire and melted not long after, dripping off her hand back to the earth. [color=ed1c24]“What can I create?”[/color]

Oraelia looked at Evandra and grinned. [color=gold]”Anything you want. This place… It could use an ecosystem, something that can support life. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that life benefits from more life.”[/color] 

Evandra thought again. The life she saw from the sun was either underwater, or on forests or fields. This place was none of those. And Evandra had already realized all she could make was fire. [color=ed1c24]“Hmmmmmm…”[/color] She mumbled while thinking. Creating things was harder than she first thought.

[color=ed1c24]“Okay… Let’s try this then.”[/color] She lowered one of her fires to the ground. Now that she willed it so, the fire spread out on the dirt, taking the silhouette of a four legged creature with a tail and robust torso. The fire burned for a while until it wiggled on its own and grunted and snorted. The fire died out, leaving behind a large creature with red scales. It stood on its four legs and walked a few slow steps, leaving behind its shape on the earth. It looked at Evandra and snorted again, fire leaving its nostrils. [color=ed1c24]“I did it! It lives!”[/color] She knelt down and rubbed its scaled head, not showing much of a reaction aside then lifting its neck up to meet her hand.

Oraelia was fascinated, and looked on with amazement. She too joined Evandra, and felt the creature. She then said aloud, [color=gold]”It will need to eat something to survive, and drink to sate its thirst and more of its kind to reproduce. Isn’t that just exciting!”[/color]

[color=ed1c24]“It won’t need water. And there’s plenty to eat around here.”[/color] She picked up another rock and, before it could melt, gave it to the beast, who bit down on it and crushed the rock like it was nothing. [color=ed1c24]“I can’t make the land look like the other places I saw from the sun, so instead of adapting the land I just made a creature that could thrive here as the place was.”[/color]

Oraelia brought her hands together in praise. [color=gold]”How smart! I hadn’t even thought of that. Oh look at you, creating already. I’m so happy, Evandra. I’m glad you came to be.”[/color] she said. 

Evandra let out a giggle and her face blushed again. With one final pat on the creature’s head, she stood up and created dozens of fires around them, another lizard coming from each one of them. They all looked around, then some wandered off while others tried to interact between themselves, eliciting a few hisses of annoyance from the more playful approaches. [color=ed1c24]“I’ll call them salamanders.”[/color]

[color=gold]”A perfect name!”[/color] she said, twirling around the new salamanders. [color=gold]”It makes me want to create even more!”[/color] she came to a stop before Evandra again and blinked a couple more times. [color=gold]”Yes! I have the perfect idea for what I can do next. Oh, it’ll be wonderful!”[/color] she then smiled again and asked, [color=gold]”What will you do now?”[/color]

[color=ed1c24]“Explore the land. There are many things I’d like to see up close. Maybe visit one of our siblings if I happen to be near them. The prairie to the east of here was your creation, right?”[/color]

[color=gold]”Oh indeed! If you meet Gibbou, tell her I said hi. She kinda looks like me, but is darker.”[/color]

[color=ed1c24]“I’ll make sure to do so.”[/color] She embraced Oraelia again. [color=ed1c24]“Until next time then.”[/color]

She squeezed her back and said, [color=gold]”Yes, until next time, sister.”[/color]

Evandra gave her sister one last warm smile before parting and taking flight eastward. She wasn’t going very fast, but soon the edge of the ocean came into view. The distance left to reach Oraelia’s prairie wasn’t much by what Evandra could gauge.

Light reflected a few ways before the coast, catching Evandra’s attention. It was a small lake, and couldn't be more than five meters across. She flew closer and landed near the edge. [color=ed1c24]“This is water, huh? I’ll be crossing over a lot more of this before I reach Oraelia’s prairie.”[/color]

She walked a few steps until her reflection came into view on the water’s surface. She knelt down to look closer, infatuated by her own visage. Evandra moved her hand to touch the reflection. As soon as she did steam rose and she flinched. [color=ed1c24]“Ouch!”[/color] The cool water had hurt her. Evandra had a very angry look on her face as she eyed down her newfound mortal enemy. Her hand ignited and she pressed it strongly against the edge of the lake. The fire vanished as if diving into the dirt and in a few minutes the whole lake began to steam and boil.

With a satisfied huff Evandra stood up. Instead of leaving, however, she looked intently into the boiling waters. With a tentative approach of her foot she touched the water’s surface. This time it didn’t hurt. In fact it was somewhat pleasant. She sank her foot in slowly, still unsure, and only the pleasant warmth was felt. Now confident that the water wouldn’t hurt her, she walked into the lake’s waters. They were quite shallow, but near the center they covered up to her thighs. She sat down slowly and let out a sigh. [color=ed1c24]“It’s not quite like the sun, but it’s half bad in here. I think I’ll stay here a while longer”[/color]

[hider=Eva's a thing now]
Oraelia returns to the sun to think over her meeting with Enmity. While she's there the sun starts to act up and some parts of the ocean boil because of it. Evandra pops out of the sun Oraelia introduces herself. [b]Evandra falls in love with Oraelia at first sight.[/b] She then tells Evandra of a few events she witnessed since her birth. [b]Evandra falls in love with Galbar as well.[/b] She's hyper and wants to see Galbar up close, so both goddesses go down to a barren island right off the west coast of Toraan.

There Eva is disappointed with the barren land and almost loses interest in the place, but Oraelia convinces her to try and create something. After setting a rock on fire she questions what she can even create, Oraelia gives her some hints and she makes a Salamander, a large lizard with red scales that breathes fire and eats rock and dirt. Both goddesses talk a bit about the creature then Evandra makes dozens more and leaves Oraelia to visit her prairie.

On the way she flies by a small lake and decides to investigate it. Evandra sees her own reflection on the surface and tries to touch it, but the cool water hurts her. [b]She now hates water.[/b] As a sort of revenge she makes the lake boil and on a whim enters the water, only to find out it doesn't hurt her anymore. [b]Now she only hates water if it's not hot.[/b] Evandra then chills at her hot spring for a bit.

[hider=MP summary]
Start: 5MP/0DP

[i]No MP used or discounted to 0[/i]

Start: 5MP/0DP

Created Salamanders for free.
Created a hot spring [s]on accident[/s] for free.

End: 5MP/0DP