~[@13org] (FYR)~

[quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]"I wish everything could be as simple as this. There is a reason why most of us, Vieras never leave the woods. The way we see the world, the way which we interact with each other is different. The world outside the woods is... complicated. Sometimes you are forced to make choices you might not want to. The line between 'right' and 'wrong' is blurred, almost nonexistent."[/color][/quote]

"[color=9e0b0f]A Viera, hmm?[/color]" The cloaked woman replied, looking towards you. Should you meet her gaze, you will notice that her eyes were a dark red but you somehow cannot see her entire face. "[color=9e0b0f]Never heard of them before. And you're clearly not a Wererabbit.[/color]"

"[color=9e0b0f]But let's not shift topics, yes?[/color]" The cloaked woman then looked back to the sunset scenery. "[color=9e0b0f]Yes, the world is complicated. But that's just how it is, the bigger your world, the more complex it is. I remember when I was a child, my home was my entire world. Like you, everything was so simple. I never understood the problems of adults.[/color]"

"[color=9e0b0f]Sure, I can go back home. Make everything simple again. But now that I know much, it feels as if I should do something about it, you know?[/color]" She sighed as she concluded. "[color=9e0b0f]And there's that saying, 'Ignorance is bliss'.[/color]"

[quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]"And you, what brings you here other than this beautiful sunset?"[/color][/quote]

"[color=9e0b0f]Same as you, to admire the simplicity of this view of the world.[/color]"

"[color=9e0b0f]Well... that's a lie. I saw you by your lonesome up in this hill just staring and I was curious.[/color]" The woman made the cutest chuckle. "[color=9e0b0f]I hope you don't mind the company.[/color]"

~[@Restalaan] (YNG), [@Rezod92]~

[quote=Yang Bethlehem]"But I did get an invitation from Rinas, she's this dark priest from port Boreal. Said something that there's gonna a competition or something. Might be fun and a way to earn some quick money."[/quote]

Haley took the flyer and with Talia over her shoulder, they examined Riñas' invitation. "[color=royalblue]Oh, it's an annual festival the village held. Weird, wasn't Boreal Port under Varjo not too long ago? I'm pretty sure Varjo doesn't let anyone celebrate anything.[/color]"

"[color=lavender]Perhaps they're reviving an ancient tradition from before they were under Varjo.[/color]" Talia suggested.

"[color=royalblue]Hmm, maybe.[/color]"

[quote=Kira Gigas][color=a187be]"Wow! Now THIS is exactly what I would call a Guild! And is this an expansion I'm seeing in progress? My timing couldn't be more perfect! Aside from that, name's Kira Gigas. You girls know if Bart is here or not? I'm here to answer his invitation."[/color][/quote]

The sudden arrival of the Beelzebub surprised Haley and Talia. "[color=royalblue]H-Huh?! Uhh, Bart's not here yet. He's out doing who-knows-what.[/color]" The Siren hastily answered.

"[color=lavender]You're here because of the invitation? Welcome to the Guild then, Miss Gigas.[/color]" Talia took over. "[color=lavender]I am Talia Bucchas and the Siren is Haley Wellington and the human girl is Yang Bethlehem. However, only Yang here is invited too. Me and Haley joined the Guild under different circumstances.[/color]"

"[color=royalblue]So yeah, a lot has happened before you arrived. Is there a reason you're late to the party?[/color]"

[b]That's What Friends Do[/b]
~[@Stern Algorithm], [@Restalaan] (DIT), [@13org] (ADA), [@ShwiggityShwah]~

[quote=Vivian Altissima][color=f49ac2]"Actually, what [i]are[/i] you good at, Neil?"[/color][/quote]

[quote=Sylvia Altissima][color=bc8dbf]"Vivian!"[/color][/quote]

[quote=Vivian Altissima][color=f49ac2]"I'm not trying to be mean! But everyone at the Guild has [i]some[/i] specialty."[/color][/quote]

"It's okay, Sylvia." Neil attempted to assure the purple-haired sister. "Well, I'm... not good at anything. Just an extra pair of hands in the guild. Sorry if I got nothing to show, although I can't really do anything about that." He replied before looking to [u]Ditzy[/u] and [u]Ozzy[/u]. "But thanks for the kind words anyway."

[quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]”Hey, just out of curiosity, how’s the map look?”[/color][/quote]

The map was examined. It was a piece of parchment, heavily tattered but its contents were intact for the most part. The map was detailed, although encrypted. The shapes clearly resembled the general region of the area and the cities and town marked, but there were red-inked numbers and letters strewn about with lines connecting them or pointing to seemingly random points in the map. One would need to be in the know to decipher the map.

"So what do you say guys? Should we stay for here for the night or make for the guild?" Neil said after they looked at the map. "Though, do we even have tents to set up camp?"