The world of Pokemon, a world filled generally with good people and powerful creatures that are more often than not very friendly and good-natured. In this world, people come together with Pokemon on a daily basis to strive for a better tomorrow. Throughout the history of this world, there have been groups of people calling themselves 'teams' who were collections of the worst kinds of people. Sometimes rhese teams consisted of nothing more or less than common criminals. But others, blinded by their own twisted vision of a berighter future, sought to do the world harm and would let nothing stand in their way to make their dream a reality. But, every team that arose wassuddenly and utterly defeated by champions. These champions were heroes, and alongside their Pokemon they put a stop to the teams and their plans. Sometimes these heroes simply thwarted criminal organizations such as Team Rocket, and were forgotten in history. Others became legends by stopping groups such as Team Magma and Team Aqua from destroying the world as we know it in their quests for a world ideal for themselves. One thing is certain, no matter the danger and no matter the cost, Pokemon trainers and their companions will always arise to protect their world, their family and friends, and even the very world they call their own. But this time, heroes may not be enough. A group calling themselves The End Cult arose from the darkness, claiming the world had one month before its end would come. They had discivered a tower known as the End Spire, hidden by constant cloud cover, terrible storms and deadly mountains. This spire was thought to have been destroyed many years ago, but it has only been hidden, lying in wait for those who would activate it. The End Spire boasts the ability to drain power from a distant planet that comes into range once every thousand years, qnd now that time has come. The tower will harness the power it claims feom the other world, and release it in a cataclysmic blast that will tear the world apart, rendering it completely lifeless. The blast would then continue in a blast wave into the stars, obliterating any life it found. The entire world has begun to gather the finest warriors. Military soldiers, civilian police, medical staff from hospitals and clinics all over the world. The Pokemon League has also sent out a call for all able bodied trainers, as the world rests on the shoulders of all who would dare to try, dare to hope there is a way to stop the spire. The Elite Four and their champion traveled from every region, bringing with them all the trainers they could. The world is hoping for a savior. They hope that heroes will arise as they always have in times of need, and protect the world from destruction. When it's no longer as simple as Pokemon battles... When League rules mean nothing and Trainers and their Pokemon fight for their lives every day to stop the coming appcalypse, who could possibly find the strength to be heroes? Who could rise against the darkness, and in the name of their world and all human and Pokemon kind, defend all life in this world and beyond? Who could rise, and become Pokemon Legends? OOC: This RP is a darker form of Pokemon than most people are probably used to. Pokemon do not fight one another in one on one battles until one can't fight any longer. Pokemon fight to the death, and the trainers are in the same danger on both sides. Pokemon Leafue rules are obsolete in the battlefield. A trainer is not limited to just one Pokemon active in battle, and Pokemon are not required to wait their turn before attacking. This is life or death, and the cultisrs won't be fighting fair. Using the infamous dark balls, the Pokemon under the control of the cultists have had their power increased to maximum potential, and they have becomenas evil as their masters. They are lost in darkness, and must be put down. Rules: I will be controlling NPCs unless someone says otherwise. For example, if you want a family member to make a temporary appearance then you are free to decide who will RP them. Any character who has a personal connection to yours unless soecifically controlled by another person, is hnder your control and can be controlled by anyone you give permission to. NPCs with no personal connection to your character are mine to control. The only exception is NPCs you make up like say for example, a random soldier that your character approaches and talks to. You can control the soldier as you wish. If you want to leave the NPC open for anyone to control, just say so in the OOC, or do the same if you want someone specific to control them. Your character can have 6 Pokemon on them at a time, and may have 3 actively in battle at once. This in't a game or a competition, but I do want to keep people from going god mode with an army of Pokemon. Imagine 6x Steelix charging in under the command of one player, or 6x Charizard. It would hardly be fair, and I don't think would be much fun if everyone were doing it. Legendary Pokemon cannot be player controlled. Legendary Pokemon are free of masters/trainers, and will always be NPCs. You cannot have a Celebi. I know you had your heart set on it, but it's not going to happen. Our characters and their Pokemon are safe from death unless the player decides they want their character or Pokemon to die. Requirements: I have only one main requirement. Have angood understanding of the Pokemon universe and the Pokemon which you control. I expect everyone to know the abilities of their Pokemon and not to be using abilities they can't normally use. This is still Pokemon, we're not going to have trainers telling their Pokemon to punch and kick one another. If I had to have any more requirements, it would be simply don't godmod, take some hits and don't go on an insta kill rampage. As well, leave out gore and excessive vulgarity. We have added death to the Pokemon universe, no need to add all the other adult themes. I'm perfectly fine with character relationships, just keep anything that needs to be private, private. Character Sheet: Name: Age: (keep in mind they aren't going to bring kids into a warzone. So keep it 18+) Region of Origin: (stick to known regions) Character Description or Picture Reference: Short Summary if Personality: Brief History: Pokemon Team: (You can have up to 6. If you so desire, you can have five, or four, or three, or two, or one if you do so desire. Any and all Pokemon are okay to have except Legendaries. Even if the Pokemon isn't from your characters region of origin, that's okay.) All characters will be veteran trainers.