Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Anvellor. That is the name that we have given to the land we inhabit. Though we do not know how big it is, we call this land home, and it was our ancestor’s home.

Yet, we know little of Anvellor. Sure, we know plenty of our home’s eastern coast, and the regions of Samare, Metia and Umbara, as well as Isilra, Lezin, and Amierre. But we do not know what lies further to our west, or what our world was like ages ago.

Our land is covered in ruins and relics. Tombs and dungeons. Evidence of civilizations long since gone. We inherited this world from our ancestors… but they did not leave us their history. Though we have records dating back a thousand years, nobody knows what this world was like before that. What nation once called itself the ruler of the lands we call home? What became of them?

Did they shatter in a civil war? That would explain why there are so many nations. Did it break due to an external threat? We know little about our ancestors, but not due to a lack of trying. For years, the adventurous and courageous among us traveled west, wandering through the wilderness of Anvellor and finding ruins of both great structures and simple cottages. For as long as our nations have kept records, we ventured into the unknown to uncover our history, and bring back relics of the nations that came before ours. In both war and peace, we have set out to discover our past, to no avail.

But now, some among us have faith that we will soon find out our world’s history. The League of Explorers is preparing it’s many members for a grand adventure westward to lead the way and rediscover our history. The westernmost nations are recruiting settlers to follow them, and international tensions are at it’s lowest. We might be on the verge of discovering what happened to our ancestors.

Perhaps, this is the dawn of a new age of Exploration and Discovery. An age in which our nations and peoples will thrive. One in which all our questions will be answered.

And who knows. Perhaps it could be you that leads us into this age.
Recruitment Poster for the League of Explorers

Tales of Anvellor

Welcome, welcome! Welcome to Tales of Anvellor, dearest of readers!

This is an RP set on the continent of Anvellor, a large landmass that, for the most part, is unexplored and covered in ruins. It is home to several different species that have spread themselves out across the eastern coast of the continent, forming several small nations in the process.

Anvellor is also home to a large variety of species, but only six of these are known to be sentient enough to form their own nations. Beyond that, there are various types of wildlife, both passive and aggressive, as well as more dangerous species of monsters in the West.


  • 0: The GM has the last word in case of disputes.
  • 0.1: DM approval does allow one to get around certain rules, but only express permission.
  • 1: No invincibility, immortality, invisibility, psionic powers (these just tend to be generally powerful with few drawbacks), or flight. Use common sense, and ask if you're uncertain if something is allowed or not.
  • 2: This is common sense, but no godmodding or metagaming.
  • 3: Unlisted abilities or equipment are assumed to not exist. If you want your character to have an item or ability you did not list on your character sheet, ask me for permission first.
  • 4: One character per player, PM me if you want more characters.
  • 5: If you wish to keep parts of your character sheet secret, PM the full sheet to me for approval.
  • 6: If you want a character that isn't one of the primary races, ask.
  • 7: Really, just ask on the thread or in a PM if you want to do unique things

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 16 hrs ago

Sounds like an interesting region! Is there any sort of template we should follow for our character sheets?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sounds like an interesting region! Is there any sort of template we should follow for our character sheets?

There should be a character sheet in the Character tab, unless I messed up. Or is that not what you're referring to?

Also, it's more just a basic guideline, you don't have to stick to it, as long as you get the important information across in a way that I can easily read it.
2x Like Like
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 16 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by PigeonOfAstora>

There should be a character sheet in the Character tab, unless I messed up. Or is that not what you're referring to?

Also, it's more just a basic guideline, you don't have to stick to it, as long as you get the important information across in a way that I can easily read it.

Oof, sorry. I'm so used to seeing character sheets in the OOC that I forgot to take a look in the characters tab.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

-raises hand- how do spells work? Do they require chanting (charging) or are the casted immediately after saying their name or verse?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Speaking of magic! Is there a system tied to a mage's ability and stamina? Like an athlete can only do so much before they break down, is magic the same in this universe? Do time and practice hone skills with the random savant still existing make sense here?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

-raises hand- how do spells work? Do they require chanting (charging) or are the casted immediately after saying their name or verse?

It varies, both based on the caster's skill and the specific spell. Those with less experience need to first spend time charging up a spell before they can cast it by saying the spell's name, while those with more experience do not need to charge up and can sometimes even skip the incantation itself entirely if one is skilled enough.

For some spells, however, charging in the form of a chant is required. Usually this only applies to rituals and other large-scale spells, however.

The charging can be sped up by using wands or staves, as those help channel the caster's Mana. Wands and Staves can also be attuned to specific spells, allowing said items to be used to cast specific spells with very little effort. Attuning is a time-consuming ritual however, and attuning multiple spells tons single wand decreases it's effectiveness.

Wands attuned to specific spells can also be used by those without a Mana Heart big enough for the user to cast spells on their own. When used in this way, the caster can only cast the spell the wand is attuned to. (So someone with a wand attuned to Fireball can only shoot fireballs if their Mana Heart isn't big enough).

Speaking of magic! Is there a system tied to a mage's ability and stamina? Like an athlete can only do so much before they break down, is magic the same in this universe? Do time and practice hone skills with the random savant still existing make sense here?

Mages with greater skill will tend to be able to be more conservative with their Mana, while inexperienced mages often use more Mana than is needed for the spell they're casting. This leads to inexperienced mages running out of Mana and losing consciousness faster than experienced mages. If a mage is running low on Mana, they will begin to feel drowsy.

Does this answer your questions?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ypnosi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So the difference between an inexperienced mage and an expert mage would be efficiency, if they were both casting the same spell? Like, a mana:result ratio would be much better on a good mage than a bad one. Outside of that, I assume that elements are the easiest, and the further you get into specific fields, thr harder new spells are to learn?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So the difference between an inexperienced mage and an expert mage would be efficiency, if they were both casting the same spell? Like, a mana:result ratio would be much better on a good mage than a bad one. Outside of that, I assume that elements are the easiest, and the further you get into specific fields, thr harder new spells are to learn?

Yep, pretty much spot on, here. Elements are not always necessarily easier (though they can be), but they are quite popular, leading to there being more mages willing to teach Elemental Magic than other fields of magic.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Cotton Thank you for your reply! I think I have an OC in mind I could convert over here though knowing how the mechanics would make it easier to write in to the bio. Speaking of, when will the character sheet be up. Also, dare I ask what spells are we allowed to use or is it up the imagination (such as summoning, illusions, support, or anti-mana)? I think everyone here knows better than to use anything OP.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Cotton Thank you for your reply! I think I have an OC in mind I could convert over here though knowing how the mechanics would make it easier to write in to the bio. Speaking of, when will the character sheet be up. Also, dare I ask what spells are we allowed to use or is it up the imagination (such as summoning, illusions, support, or anti-mana)? I think everyone here knows better than to use anything OP.

Character sheet is in the Char tab, though I'll be moving it to the OOC tab since you're not the first person to ask where it is >.<

As for spells, that's up to you! I always enjoy seeing variation and creativity, instead of people being limited to only doing things in a specific way. Plus, it makes more sense for mages to have unique methods of casting and preferred types of magic in my opinion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Understood! I'm actually surprised to see the CS can now be embedded into the Char tab...I've been gone for too long it seems. ^^'
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Took some time, effort, and plenty of bodies, but finally got my CS done.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 7 days ago

Expressing interest.
Edit, sheet is done. please let me know if I left something out~

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also interested! Bringing a friend with me.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Ryteb Pymeroce@Infinite Cosmos

Two really interesting characters, and they're both accepted! Welcome aboard!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ypnosi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, I don't have any fancy formatting like that other guy, but I do have a sheet!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 5 mos ago


A sheet you possess indeed! Accepted!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 7 days ago

@YpnosiSince both of our characters are from Isilra, perhaps they have some prior history?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll have a completed CS soon. Shooting for a tomorrow release.

@Ypnosi Noticed the image don't seem to be working in the CS.
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